By Mackenzie Bonham
Well, hello, everybody!! November has been a busy month for this Little Miss. First, basketball has been great this season. I enjoy working with my team and learning new fundamentals. School is also going great, and I am having a blast with my teacher and my class. Mrs. Schroeder is a wonderful teacher and makes learning so much fun! Since we talked last, a lot of volunteering has been done, and new goals have been set.

I got to volunteer with the Champaign County Down Syndrome Network for their annual Buddy Walk and Color Run. A couple of my queen sisters Jordan, Lili, and I got to hand out awards, judge a contest, and I had the honor to lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Connie Hilson, the Vice President & Buddy Walk Co-Chair, took my queen sisters and me around to explain what their organization does. She wanted to emphasis how amazing these individuals are and how she loves how the community comes together to give them a fun event. I had the privilege to get buddied up with the Grand Marshall of the event and color run, Ms. Mariah. We had the lead car in the color run to kick off the event. Mariah was the oldest member of the Down Syndrome community attending. She was given a sash and everything! Mariah is such a beautiful queen, inside and out. I loved meeting her, learning about her, and I am grateful for Ms. Connie for welcoming us as volunteers. I will be back every year to help this fantastic organization out.
Not only did I do the Buddy Walk, but I worked at the Ronald McDonald House in Springfield with my queen sister, Jordan. We made lunch (with the help of our moms) for twenty-five people who were using the house because their child was in the hospital. These people didn’t have to worry about meals, where to sleep, how to get to the hospital, not one thing, only to focus on the child. I hope they enjoyed our lunch of Italian Beef, Green Beans, Mac & Cheese, and a BIG pan of brownies. Just remember the smallest act of kindness can go a long way.
October and November were busy months for volunteering with the Shriners and working on my bracelet donations. From paper drives to breakfast events and the Shriner Circus, it was a great couple of months! The Shriner Circus is the most significant event the Ansar Shrine puts on that raises money for their efforts. The acrobatic-based Circus brings large crowds of spectators, Shriners from bordering states, past and present patients. I enjoyed talking to these circus-goers and hearing their stories of how Shriner’s Hospitals have helped them. Plus, I got to see my buddy Preston, which is always a blessing.

Have you ever met a four-year old, Rockstar-Unicorn Princess? Well I have! I heard about sweet Addiana through social media, and I knew I had to meet her. We arranged for a meeting on a Saturday morning and it was the best part of my day, by far. Within about two minutes, she gave me a new name, Princess Crown, and I just knew this little princess was a fighter. She had brain surgery just a few days later (the first out of several), and is home recovering for the next. #TEAMNENA
Finally, MY BRACELETS!!!! December 13th is the day I present my donation to the Shriners Children’s Hospitals. For those that do not follow my journey on Instagram or Facebook, I made a goal to send my bracelets to all 50 states! Not only was this goal made to help my fundraiser out, but to spread awareness for the hospital.

The Freemason Podcast, out of Connecticut, asked me to be on their show and talk about my bracelets. They have helped me out so much with this fundraiser getting my information out there. Not only was the show a lot of fun to be on, but because of this opportunity, my bracelets are international now! How awesome is that?!? Stay tuned to see where all my bracelets have traveled, and next month, you will get to see how big that check will be I give to the hospital.
If you would like to donate, there is still time! I can deliver or ship a bracelet to you! We also have a PayPal Account set up to accept donations. For inquiries visit my Facebook page at or you can email at
Until next time…be kind, be awesome, and just be yourself.
Love, Mackenzie Bonham 2019 Little Miss of Illinois