
Kindergarten mom shares first day feelings

Agree to write an article about Kindergarten feels, she thought. It will be healing, she thought.

(insert ugly cry here)
“How are you doing, Mom?” -all the other kind parents at drop off
“I’m excited for her, she’s going to do great!”-Me (the dirtiest, filthiest liar there ever was)
What I know in my head:
beautiful school
safe district
capable teacher
kid is ready
Crazy thoughts I am trying to ignore:
what if she gets in trouble for nursing the baby dolls during centers?
what if she has to go #2 and all her classmates are waiting to go to recess like “ugh, hurry up you’re ruining everything”?
what if she tells a great joke and I miss it?
what if she chokes on her food at lunch because she is shoveling it in to go to recess?
what if she licks her pre-school friends faces in the hallway because she missed them so much over the summer?
what if she tells her teacher “My Mom said that if someone hurts me, it is okay for me to punch them” like she told her preschool teachers last year?
To the parents of the class of 2029,
Whether this is your first year with a kid in this district or you are a veteran school-kid parent we all have this one thing in common. We all have a piece of our hearts at the same place.
Our kids will do great, sometimes. Sometimes they won’t. They’re kids. That is the expectation.
As their parents, we will do great, sometimes. Sometimes we won’t. Can we just decide today to be a team, giving each other the benefit of the doubt?
Oh, you forgot your kid’s lunch? You’re probably having an exceptionally busy day. It happens.
Your kid taught my kid a cuss word? That’s unfortunate. Apparently, people at your house accidentally jam their pinky toes on the corner of the couch too.
Yeah, so what, so I have more feels today than I anticipated? Some of you said all the wrong things to me when you saw me today. There are going to be days when I say the wrong thing to you.
If I must share my kid, I am happy to be sharing her in this school, with this staff, with your kids.
It’s 10:34am, I am going to go to the car pick up line. It isn’t too early right?

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