Elections for officers will be held August 15. Nominations are as follows:
President: Michelle Grindley
Vice President: Jodi Freiman
Treasurer: Ken Keefe
Recording Secretary: Jennifer Smith
Meeting schedule for the year will be posted soon. Feel free to email president@m-spto.com if you would like to be more involved! We will send interest surveys out once school starts.
Mahomet-Seymour PTO (Junior HIgh and High School)
You are invited to the M-S JH/HS PTO End-of-Summer Social!
Who: Junior High & High School Parents
When: Aug. 7 at 6:30pm
Where: Los Zarapes
Why: Meet other JH/HS PTO members
Discover upcoming volunteer opportunities
Help create fundraising opportunities
Provide input for PTO sponsored events, such as Teacher Appreciation Week
RSVP please by emailing me lakaiser@mchsi.com