
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures for Mahomet-Seymour School District

Effective January 1, 2010, the use of cell phones in a School Zone is strictly prohibited by State law.


On most school days, parents are asked to use the parking lot in front of the school.  On special event days (ie: P/T Conferences, Dawg Walk), parents will need to use the parking lot in the front of the school and the lot on the east side of the school.


All students will be dropped off/picked up at the FRONT entrance to the building. Cars will follow the roundabout to the front of the school and turn right at the loop following this to the front entrance of the school.  

For the safety of each child, parents are asked to remain in the car. Please display a sign with your child’s name in bold print on the passenger side dash board. Students will load/unload from the passenger side. Make sure your child knows how to open and close the car door and fasten his/her seat belt independently. By following these procedures, you can help us keep the car pick-up line moving in a safe and efficient manner. If someone other than the parents or a previously designated person will be picking up your child, you must notify the school in writing or by phone or your child will not be released. If you are running late and a staff member is not outside, you will need to park and bring your child into the building.





Please be aware that parking at the front of the school on Main Street is marked “Attended Parking Only” from 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.  If you leave your car unattended during these times, it is quite possible you will be ticketed by the Mahomet Police Department.


To avoid traffic congestion with buses, we would appreciate parents not parking in the bus areas when school is in session.  Please do not drive through, or park in the bus loading areas or teachers’ parking lots.  On special event days, be sure to stay clear of the bus lane when parking.  These regulations are for the safety of all the children!


Parents picking up students after school should not use the bus lane.  Please pick up at the Main Street entrance for 1st graders or in the driveway behind the school between Sangamon and the Mobil Circle K for 2nd graders and mixed groups of 1st and 2nd graders.  When picking up your child, please pull all the way forward in the pick-up lane so other vehicles can enter the pick-up lane as well.



Sangamon families, here are the DROP OFF AND PICK UP TRAFFIC PATTERNS will be following at Sangamon School this year.  We will be using the same traffic patterns that we have been using for the past few years:

DROP OFF procedures in the MORNING will be as follows
*Vehicles will NOT be allowed to wait on Main St. west of the intersection of Main St. and Jefferson St.

*Vehicles must approach Sangamon on Union St. from the west or on Jefferson St. from the south.  Union St. will be one-way toward the east and Jefferson St. will be one-way toward the north to help with the traffic flow.  Parents will use the LEFT lane and buses will use the RIGHT lane on Union St. and Jefferson St. next to the cemetery.  (There will be a stripe painted down the middle of Jefferson St. to help with this process.)

*When vehicles reach the corner of Jefferson St. and Main St., they will turn right (east) and drop off in front of the school similar to our current procedures.   Please pull all the way forward so other cars can enter the drop off lane as well.

PICK UP procedures in the AFTERNOON will as follows

*First grade parents will follow the same procedures as morning drop off with this exception:  In the afternoon, first grade parents MUST approach Sangamon School ONLY from the west on Union St. before they turn north on Jefferson St. next to the cemetery.  Union St. and Jefferson St. will once again be one-way streets.

*Second grade parents (or parents who are picking up a second grader AND a first grader) will enter the pick-up lane behind Sangamon School adjacent to the Circle K gas station from Jefferson St. from the south and will travel from west to east in the back pick up lane.

*It is important that second grade parents stay on the right side of the street as they pass the corner of Jefferson St. and Union St. as they enter the pick-up lane behind Sangamon School.  This will allow buses to pass by on the left side of the street.

*Second grade parents MUST turn RIGHT (south) when exiting the east parking lot onto Route 47 after picking up their child(ren) to avoid a long back up of cars.

*Please note that second grade parents who are parking in the Circle K parking lot and are having their children walk across the pick-up lane will STILL have this option.  However, PLEASE do not park in customer spots next to their store.  Thanks!



All bicycles are to be left in the bicycle racks which are provided on the west side of the playground.  Bike riders must not leave until all buses have departed.  We urge all riders to practice the usual bicycle safety rules.





Students may arrive at Lincoln Trail at 8:00 a.m. unless they are a 5th grader involved in the band program. All WALKERS and BICYLISTS should use the designated crosswalk and enter the south main entry. All students dropped off by AUTOMOBILE should be dropped at the southeast exit (Dorchester Street). Students should enter through the east doors into the 5th grade hallway and proceed to the cafeteria or playground depending on the weather. Staff will be available to instruct students where they should go. For the safety of our children it is important for ALL parents to use Dorchester Street for drop off. Parents should not park or drop off in the west parking lot as buses use this area for unloading students.


Bus students will be dismissed at 3:05 p.m. and will board buses in the west parking lot. Walkers and bikers will also be dismissed at 3:05 p.m. and exit the south main exit. Parent pick-up students will be dismissed at 3:10 p.m. and exit through the east doors onto Dorchester Street. We realize there is often a long line of cars and it may require you to wait a few minutes until your turn, but for safety reasons it is imperative for this procedure to be followed. If you are parked elsewhere and walk up to meet your child , please use the crosswalks as we do not want children walking between parked cars. For the safety of all children,  we do not allow cars to park or pickup children in the bus loading area on the west side of the building.

Mahomet-Seymour Junior High routines for pick-up/drop off at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School:

–          Please use the back circle drive for pick-up and drop off.  The back circle drive doors will open at 7:40 A.M.

–          Please do not pick-up or drop off students before school or right after school at the front circle drive.

–          For students walking to school, the front doors and back circle drive doors will open at 7:40 A.M.

–          Students riding the bus will be dropped off and picked up by transportation before school and after school.

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