For many Mahomet residents, spending time with family on Thanksgiving Day is more than watching football and stuffing turkey and dressing into their faces. These residents gather annually with their family and friends for an early morning stroll or jog through the Lake of the Woods Park to support the […]
Author: Dani Tietz
M-S Veterans Day Ceremonies Nov. 9 and 12
The Mahomet-Seymour School District is ready to host Veterans in their annual Veterans Day Remembrance Ceremonies on November 9 and 12. Lincoln Trail Elementary: November 9 at 10:15 a.m. Middletown Elementary: November 9 at 1:30 p.m. Mahomet-Seymour High School: November 12 at 8:30 a.m. Mahomet-Seymour Junior High: November 12 at 2:30 […]
Local 2018 Election Results
November 6, 2018 Election Results *UNOFFICIAL, TAKEN FROM CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CLERK WEBSITE Illinois Governor and Lieutenant Governor Democrat JB Pritzer and Juliana Stratton Attorney General Democrat Kwame Raoul Secretary of State Democrat Jesse White Illinois State Comptroller Democrat Susana Mendoza Illinois State Treasurer Democrat Michael Frerichs Congressional Representative in Congress […]
O’Brien recieves 40 North ACE Award
On average, a woman will speak 20,000 words per day while her male counterpart will, on average, only speak 7,000 words per day. Used consecutively, single words form sentences that help us relay ideas, give context, educate, sell or tell. Some people use a thousand words and end up saying […]
Public Meeting on Proposed TIF District Wednesday
The Village of Mahomet will host a public meeting on November 7 at 7 p.m. at the Village Administration Building to allow constituents to learn more about a proposed commercial redevelopment project that will impact 74 or more inhabited residential units and commercial businesses along Main Street in downtown Mahomet. […]
MSJSH First Quarter Honor Roll
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M-S Board Agenda 11.5.2018
The Mahomet-Seymour Junior High will meet on Nov. 5, 2018 in the Middletown Prairie Elementary boardroom at 7 p.m. [gview file=””]
Letter to the Editor: Support for Matt Grandone
November 2, 2018 Matt Grandone is the most qualified candidate for Champaign County Clerk. Matt is conscientious, hardworking, ethical, honest, and dedicated to our community. The facts are simple: … For the past 4 years, Matt has been working with State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to increase Election Security […]
Who will eat all that candy?
Candy. Bags and bags of candy. And maybe one more bag of candy depending on how long the kids stay out trick-or-treating. Your kids will come home Monday night, spread the candy out on the floor, sort it by type and then trade with their siblings so they have what […]
2018 Living Flag performance Nov. 2-4
[gview file=””] Honoring America’s Veterans is something the Mahomet community prides itself in each year. Mahomet-Seymour School do not close down, but instead, host Veterans from all backgrounds to recognize them with students who get to see their heroes up close. The same holds true for the Living Flag Celebration at […]