Author: Dani Tietz


Understanding Our Schools: Number Talks

After 10 years with the Scott Foresman math series, elementary schools in the Mahomet-Seymour School District are piloting a strategy called Number Talks to align with Common Core standards, which became mandatory in Illinois this year. Although Illinois adopted the Common Core in 2010, curriculum writers and textbook companies have […]


Understanding Our Schools: Technology

With an infrastructure to support technological changes in place, the Mahomet-Seymour School District is in the process of integrating technology into the K-12 curriculum. The school district increased their bandwidth from 20-megs to 250-megs within the schools by tapping into the ICN Backbone network of dark fiber along I-74 last […]


Busey hosts community leader luncheon

Busey Bank Mahomet hosted a luncheon for 12 community leaders Wednesday. The Village of Mahomet, Cornbelt Fire Department, Mahomet Public LIbrary, Champaign County Forest Preserve and Mahomet-Seymour Schools were represented. Busey Vice President Cheryl Zindars said the lunch was an opportunity for Busey to show appreciation for the work the […]