Tag: Mahomet-Seymour Schools


Mahomet-Seymour financial health in ISBE early warning status, state-wide improvement reported

Financial gains are not something reported in the State of Illinois often. But the Illinois State Board of Education’s release of the 2019 School District Financial Profile Scores showed that school districts within the state are experiencing some financial gains. The ISBE reviews each district’s financial profile based on fund […]


Starwalt resigns position at Middletown Prairie

Wendy Starwalt submitted her resignation as Principal of Middletown Prairie Elementary Monday night.  Starwalt was hired in 2017. Since January 2018, the Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School Principal and Assistant Principal, the  District Technology Coordinator, District After-School Program Coordinator, District Director of Facilities and District Transportation Director have resigned.


MSHS Chamber Choir performs with Bach Choir

By FRED KRONERfred@mahometnews.com Choirs sing. That’s what they do. Mahomet-Seymour’s 51-member Chamber Choir took to the stage last Sunday at McKinley Presbyterian Church in Champaign. The performance was not typical. The entire 20-minute piece — Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms — was sung in Hebrew. It was “a difficult feat for […]