Financial gains are not something reported in the State of Illinois often. But the Illinois State Board of Education’s release of the 2019 School District Financial Profile Scores showed that school districts within the state are experiencing some financial gains. The ISBE reviews each district’s financial profile based on fund […]
Tag: Mahomet-Seymour Schools
Letter to the Editor: Chairperson of Illinois Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council Supports Keefe
My name is Carol Sheley. I am the chairperson of the Illinois Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council (SWFCAC) and have served on the council since 2014. Our council is a state-level board that advocates for the needs of foster families in Illinois and advises the director of the Illinois Department […]
Letter to the Editor: Hays Supports Keefe
I am writing to express my support for Ken Keefe for Mahomet-Seymour School Board. I’ve known Ken for years and he is a hard-working, dedicated guy. For the past several years, he has helped a local conservation organization that is near to my heart, the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy by […]
Letter to the Editor: Stoecker writes in support of Keefe
On April 2nd, I will be casting my vote for Ken Keefe for the school board. I met Ken and became familiar with his dedication to the school district as we both served on the Mahomet-Seymour Parent Teacher Organization board. In the time that I’ve known him, he’s acted in many roles in the […]
Candidate Op Ed: Keefe looks at district finances
The following piece was submitted by Ken Keefe, a candidates for the Mahomet-Seymour School Board. The following opinions and statements are not those of the Mahomet Daily or it’s parent company Sangamon Currents, LLC. Sangamon Currents welcomes submissions from candidates as long as they are factual (cited-we do not go […]
Starwalt resigns position at Middletown Prairie
Wendy Starwalt submitted her resignation as Principal of Middletown Prairie Elementary Monday night. Starwalt was hired in 2017. Since January 2018, the Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School Principal and Assistant Principal, the District Technology Coordinator, District After-School Program Coordinator, District Director of Facilities and District Transportation Director have resigned.
Weimer to retire after three decades in the Mahomet-Seymour School district
By FRED EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles focusing on teachers and administrators who will retire from the M-S school district at the end of the school year. It was the summer of 1985. John Weimer was ready to move on to the rest […]
MSHS Chamber Choir performs with Bach Choir
By FRED Choirs sing. That’s what they do. Mahomet-Seymour’s 51-member Chamber Choir took to the stage last Sunday at McKinley Presbyterian Church in Champaign. The performance was not typical. The entire 20-minute piece — Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms — was sung in Hebrew. It was “a difficult feat for […]
Local scholarships provide unique opportunities for students
Not everyone gets this opportunity. With the rising costs of a college education, many families are collecting every penny they can get to make sure their child does not graduate with debt. Seniors are applying for scholarships here and there, knowing they are going up against thousands of other students […]
Letter to the Editor: Smith writes in support of Keefe
Dear Voters, The upcoming school board election gives us the opportunity to elect leaders that value the importance of education. With numerous open seats and potential candidates, the decision that our community makes will have a lasting impact on our schools. By way of this letter, I pledge my support […]