The Mahomet-Seymour School Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. for a special meeting regarding the FY 2020 budget on Sept. 16. The regular board meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Mahomet-Seymour School Board Meeting September 16 2019″]
Tag: Mahomet-Seymour School Board
Two Mahomet boards learn about TIF district extension
BY DANI TIETZ The Mahomet-Seymour School Board and the Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees got their first look at Village and District staff plans to continue growth within Village limits last week. Building a new junior high and a community recreation building, with the option of a public […]
Village of Mahomet and School Board Joint Meeting Sept. 4
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees and the Mahomet-Seymour School District Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. on September 4 at the Cornbelt Fire Protection District Training Center at 506 E. Main Street. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Village of Mahomet and Mahomet-Seymour School Board Joint meeting”]
Mahomet-Seymour school board makes statements about OMA complaint
BY DANI TIETZ Ken Keefe, who was elected to the Mahomet-Seymour School board filed an Open Meetings Act complaint with the State of Illinois’ Office of the Attorney General earlier this summer. The report came to light on August 19, 2019 when Mahomet-Seymour School Board President Max McComb read […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Board discusses decision making
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet, Ill. – Members of the Mahomet-Seymour School board gathered on Aug. 5 for a closed session to complete a self-evaluation and to discuss litigation. Prior to going into the private meeting, board members discussed how the board should move forward in talks between open […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Board Policy Committee Agenda 8.12.2019
The Mahomet-Seymour School Board Policy Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. on August 12, 2019 in the Middletown Prairie Elementary Board Room. [pdf id=315954]
M-S Board hears from director of facilities
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet, Ill. – Mahomet-Seymour Director of Facilities Steve Curtis presented a facilities report, including suggested updates, to the Mahomet-Seymour School Board at the July 15, meeting. Curtis began his presentation going over the remaining Middletown Prairie Phase II punch list items that were identified early in […]
Keefe proposes M-S policy change to open communication
BY DANI TIETZ Newly-elected board member Ken Keefe presented suggested policy changes that would allow for various channels of communication between the public and the board. Currently, board policy 2:240 states, “Anyone may propose new policies, changes to existing policies, or elimination of existing policies. Staff suggestions should […]
M-S Policy Committee reviews upcoming changes
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet-Seymour School Board members Meghan Hennesy and Lori Larson will make up the board’s policy committee, which held its first open meeting Wednesday morning. Led by Superintendent Lindsey Hall, the meeting began with an overview of recommended PRESS Updates. The full board will be made aware […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Board to open committee meetings to public
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet, Ill.- The Mahomet-Seymour School Board will open its committee meetings to the public beginning Wednesday, June 19. The district sent the Policy Board Agenda to constituents with children enrolled in school via Skyward Monday. The Policy Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Middletown […]