[two_third] Fulfilling a dream years in the making, a local young man will become an Eagle Scout by this fall, and his efforts will help hunters with disabilities enjoy an activity many take for granted. Lane Coffey, incoming freshman at Mahomet Seymour High School, said this project to help hunters […]
Other News
Day Trip:Trying new things in Chicago
Being so close to Chicago, we take our kids to the windy city pretty much every year. This time, my oldest (14) suggested that we go to Chicago to visit the Shedd Aquarium. She loves the beluga whales and wanted to see the newborn dolphin (which we didn’t get to […]
Champion Fitness opens doors in Mahomet
Champion Fitness Physical Therapy will open its door to the Mahomet community Thursday during a Customer Appreciation Day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will kick-off with the Mahomet Chamber of Commerce celebrating the business with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:45 a.m. Following the ribbon cutting, guests […]
Day Trip: Family Friendly Lafayette, Indiana
[one_half] Directions This trip will take approximately 1.5 hours. *Please remember the time difference Take I-74 East until you get to Waynestown, Indiana, exit 25 (73 miles) Take IN-25 North to Northwestern Avenue (West Lafayette, IN) (20 miles) [/one_half] [one_half_last][/one_half_last] What You’ll Need An extra pair of clothes or swimsuit Towel […]
Ellis to begin the weekend celebration at Walker’s Friday
Coming home is always a pleasure for musician Matt Ellis. “When I can, I like to go out for walks and drives, and just enjoy the peaceful feeling of the town,” Ellis said. A 2005 graduate of Mahomet-Seymour High School, Ellis now lives in Springfield where he enjoys writing and […]
Hearn learns trades with Education for Employment System
Conner Hearn, a Mahomet-Seymour High School senior, spent the first four weeks of his summer vacation with the Education for Employment System at Parkland College learning about trade jobs he could pursue after graduation. Hearn, who has studied and loves mechanics, decided to join the Summer Construction Education Program because […]
Flesor’s Candy Kitchen puts community back into the Tuscola community
As I pulled into downtown Tuscola with my two daughters in the car, my 11-year old spotted a 5-cent soda advertisement painted along the side of Flesor’s Candy Kitchen. She yelled, “5-cent sodas?!” I told her sodas definitely cost more the 5-cents now. She asked, “Were sodas five-cents when you […]
The Vault offers a place for local artists to showcase work
In today’s day and age, it seems art can be found everywhere. All we really need to do is log onto a computer and browse through a few sites before we find what we are really looking for. But for The Vault owner, Jon McDevitt, and almost 80 artists from […]
Vintage Karma breathes new life into downtown Tuscola
A high-end tattoo parlor in rural Illinois? It’s not what you expect, and definitely not what many visitors are looking for as they shop for antiques along Main Street in Tuscola, but nestled in the old brick buildings, you will Vintage Karma. Vintage Karma started off solely as a tattoo […]
Day Trip: Old Meets New in Tuscola
When we moved to Mahomet 13 years ago, I quickly figured out that a quick drive down Interstate 57 would land me in the land of quality clothing at a discount: the Tanger Outlet Mall of Tuscola. At that time, my in laws also lived in Mahomet, and we frequented […]