The Mahomet-Seymour High School Madrigal Singers will continue a tradition in the Community of Mahomet by presenting the 34 th annual “Madrigal Dinner,” performances depicting a Christmas celebration in a castle setting during the Renaissance. Elaborate decorations, ornate costumes of the period, humor, and beautiful music combine to provide a […]
Other News
MSHS Preschool Pals Program Information
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Veteran’s Day Ceremonies Schedules
The Mahomet-Seymour Schools Veteran’s Day ceremony schedule is as follows for Friday: Veteran’s Day Ceremonies 8:20 MSHS (Main Gym) 10:15 Lincoln Trail 1:15 Sangamon 2:30 MSJH
Registration Open for Turkey Trot
For many Mahomet residents, spending time with family on Thanksgiving Day is more than watching football and stuffing turkey and dressing into their faces. In Mahomet, moms, dads, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents also gather on Thanksgiving morning for the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department Turkey Trot. While the event […]
You’re Scared? Yeah, Me Too
“When at first I learned to speak, I used all my words to fight. With him and her and you and me, but it’s just a waste of time.” -Avett Brothers I, like many of you, am scared. I was scared even before the results of the election had been […]
“Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum in a Dish” is still a thing…and other thoughts from a kindergarten mom
What I have learned about Kindergartners- “Bubble gum, bubble gum in a dish…” is still a thing They will do anything to get a construction paper bumble bee Loose teeth are life Mrs. Kennedy’s hats are the bees knees They know more about iPads than most adults They complain about […]
Moxley to be inducted into ITCCCA Hall of Fame
Bonnie Moxley, Head Coach of the Mahomet-Seymour Girls’ Cross Country and Track programs, was notified last week that she, along with six other candidates, will be inducted into the Illinois Track and Cross Country Coaches Association Hall of Fame in January. Moxley, who has coached for 31 years, spent her […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Board names Superintendent
Mahomet-Seymour School District will hold a Special Board meeting on November 7, 2016 at 6:00 pm for approval of the superintendent candidate to begin in their role on July1, 2017.Dr. Lindsey Hall will be presented on Monday as that candidate. Dr. Lindsey Hall will be presented on Monday as that […]
The End of the World (With Prom to Follow) Coming to MSHS
A group of high school students wake up one day to find they are the only ones left in their town. It sounds like a dream come true. No nagging teachers. No whiney siblings. No demanding parents. Find out how a group of teenagers in Great Falls, Montana, handle this […]
Living Flag to honor Veterans at Mahomet Christian Church this weekend
Honoring America’s Veterans is something the Mahomet community prides itself in each year. The schools do not close down, but instead host Veterans from all backgrounds to recognize them with students who get to see their heroes up close. The same holds true for the Living Flag Celebration at Mahomet […]