A weekend date for some might be going to a concert or eating dinner with friends under the night sky. But Kelly and Joe Bails spent the weekend of August 12 participating in the 27th Annual Howl at the Moon Ultra Marathon in Danville. The Bails are not strangers to […]
Other News
Cunningham’s Education and Recreation Center Has Broken Ground
Urbana, IL (August 20, 2017) Cunningham Children’s Home in Urbana marked the beginning of construction on its newest facility, the Education and Recreation Center (ERC), with a groundbreaking ceremony this afternoon (August 20). “This is definitely a day to celebrate,” Cunningham President and CEO Marlin Livingston said. “On this site, […]
Village of Mahomet Board Agenda 8.22.2017
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. on August 22 at the Village Administration Building. [gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/8-BOT-08222017-AGENDA.pdf”]
Four Reasons Why People Spend Too Much by Busey Bank
You understand the basic concepts of budgeting, saving and monitoring your money—but this doesn’t mean you’re in control of your spending. The experts at Busey share a few reasons why consumers sometimes break their budget. A “here and now” mindset. If you tend to focus on the present without considering […]
2017 Sangamon River Music Festival Guide
The annual Sangamon River Music Festival Parade will begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday, August 26. The route will proceed as follows: South on Division Street, East on Union, North on Elm and West on Franklin. [one-half-first] 2017 Food Court Vendors Alexander’s Concessions Beck’s Concessions Coonrods Dean O Foods Ice Daddy […]
Board of Education Agenda 8.21.2017
The Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education will hold its regular Board Meeting on Monday, August 21 at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in the Board Conference Room at Middletown Prairie Elementary. [gview file=”https://mahometdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Web-Packt.pdf”]
Groundbreaking for Cunningham’s Education and Recreation Center
Urbana, IL (August 14, 2017) – Cunningham Children’s Home in Urbana will mark the beginning of construction on its newest facility, the Education and Recreation Center (ERC), with a groundbreaking ceremony at 1301 North Cunningham Ave, Urbana on Sunday, August 20 at 3 p.m. More than 100 people including Cunningham […]
Mahomet-Seymour Mentor Program seeks additional volunteers
Deb Kauffman, and her family, were new to Mahomet eight years ago. Seven years ago, thanks to the efforts of Jill Kyle — whom she had gotten to know at church — Kauffman became a volunteer in the Mahomet-Seymour Mentoring program. Now, she could serve as a spokesperson on reasons […]
Parents of the class of 2030: you got this!
Parent of the Class of 2030, YOU GOT THIS! Actually you probably don’t, but that’s okay too. Kindergarten feels-been there, done that and here is what I had to learn the hard way. One day, after the hustle and chaos of a class holiday party our daughter walked out the front door […]
Mahomet-Seymour Schools Eclipse Information provided by Dr. Hall
We have an amazing opportunity on Monday, August 21 to witness and experience an almost once in a lifetime event with the solar eclipse that will be happening in our area. We are in the 90-95% coverage area. Our teachers have been preparing activities and lessons for our students in order to fully […]