
Los Zarapes keeps focus on customer service

image (3)New wall textures, decorations and tabletops may have added a new flare to Mahomet’s favorite Mexican restaurant, but Los Zarapes owners Carmen and Felipe Rebollo said the commitment to providing excellent food in a family-friendly environment remains their focus.

After emigrating from Mexico, the restaurants owners made Mahomet their home in 2007 when they opened Los Zarapes. Rebollo’s staff includes brothers, sisters and friends from their hometowns in Mexico.

“I feel like Mahomet is my second home,” Carmen said. “Customers are more than customers to us. They are our friends. Like a family. People come in here two to three times a week. They know our names, and we know their names. We really enjoy being a part of this community.”

Just as the Mahomet community has supported the restaurant, the couple feels it is important to give back to the community by supporting local families in need and local athletic organizations, such as the Diamond Dogs and Mahomet Parks and Recreation.

With two daughters of their own, Carmen and Felipe want to support recreational programs which encourage kids to play outside. The American Legion and the Village of Mahomet recognized their contribution to the community in 2012.

When Eastwood Shopping Center owners announced storefront renovations for the shopping mall in 2014, the owners decided to make their dreams of renovating the inside of the restaurant a reality. Just as Mahomet has become their second home, it was important for them to share the atmosphere of their hometowns in Mexico with the Mahomet community.

The textures on the walls, the arches and bricks resemble the city streets where Carmen grew up. While Felipe was inspired by a wooden awning at a restaurant in Effingham, Carmen said the addition in the restaurant resembles house fronts in Mexico.

Although many new colorful tabletops bring a tropical flair into the restaurant, Carmen and Felipe custom ordered a few Bulldog tabletops for customers. The restaurant is frequented by groups of local teachers for lunch.

The renovations, which have taken a little over two months, will be complete once the restrooms are revamped.

The menu at Los Zarapes was also recently updated  to include some personal favorites like Fajitas Habanas and customer requests like Steak Zarapes.

“Some people make their own dish,” Carmen said. “And then more people ask for it. So we decided to add some things to the menu.”

Over three years ago, Los Zarapes relocated into restaurant space at the end of the Eastwood Shopping Center. With plenty of space, the restaurant is now able to accommodate small and large parties up to 50 people.



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