Short, grey days and cold weather are generally enough to drive even the most optimistic of us into a bit of a funk. And we’ve had more than our fair share this January – making it very hard to be motivated to exercise and eat well.
Truth be told – even an avid exerciser like me struggles in times like this! These frustrating bouts of sadness, moodiness and lack of energy or motivation are known as “the winter blues” and for some it can turn into a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
The good news: for both SAD and the milder winter blues, there is strong evidence that simple changes in diet and regular exercise can help you endure these seasonal mood swings until the sun shines again.
Work It Out
Especially during the colder months, exercise can be difficult if your energy levels are low to begin with, and the weather makes it difficult to get outside. Focusing on the benefits you can expect to reap from exercise, though, will encourage you to get yourself up and moving.
This is where a great workout buddy or the environment of classes (like those at Transform Fitness) can really help. There’s a social aspect to this kind of exercise that makes it more fun and less like work. Plus – it’s an excuse to get out of the house and see your friends! Classes take the thinking out of the work because you have a skilled professional there telling you what to do rather than trying to push yourself on your own.
Thinking in terms of “activity” rather than exercise may also help. Even if you don’t do a formal workout you can look for opportunities to inject some added activity into your day: take the stairs, skip the shortcuts and turn some of your household chores into workouts. Don’t underestimate how many calories you can burn working around the house. For example, an hour of pushing a vacuum around can burn 238 calories in a 150-pound person.
Any exercise will increase the release of several endorphins, which can help improve your mood, help you sleep and regulate your appetite.
It’s also important to remember your personal goals. Even though Spring may feel like it’s never coming – it WILL and you don’t want to be feeling crummy about yourself when it does. It’s much better and easier to be preventative rather than reactive. Summer bodies are MADE in the winter. 90 percent of the battling is simply getting yourself going – so find a partner, commit to a plan, and make it happen!
Eat Right
Depression can increase your cravings for simple carbohydrates (like cookies and other baked goods), which absorb quickly into your body but also cause a crash in blood sugar and contribute to weight gain. And since fatty, starchy treats are easy to come by this time of year, it’s important to pay particular attention to how you’re eating in order to avoid SAD symptoms.
Stock up on complex carbs, which can give you the same serotonin boost as their simpler cousins, but keep your blood sugar steady and balanced. This would include foods that contain whole-wheats and oats, like whole grain breads, bran muffins, brown rice and oatmeal.
There’s nothing you can do about the weather or the cold – it’s out of your hands. So focus on what you CAN control – your activity and what you put in your body. These small changes in your activity and diet could help you improve your mood and get you through your bout with seasonal depression.
For more tips, tools & techniques to reach your goals or to get personal attention from a coach – follow Lindy on Facebook ( or contact her at and be sure to check out Transform Fitness Studio in Mahomet! You can find Transform Fitness online at
Lindy is the owner of Transform Fitness Studios in Mahomet, a group fitness and training studio located on Commercial Drive. She is a graduate of Mahomet-Seymour High School and Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Lindy has been a fitness professional since 2004. She holds certifications in 11 fitness formats as well as nutrition and personal training. Prior to opening her business in Mahomet, Lindy was the Director of Refinery health club in Champaign. She is also an online fitness coach and serves as the Development Director for Salt & Light Ministry. Lindy specializes in health & fitness coaching & training, leadership & business development, and is dedicated to inspiring others to change their lives through the power of personal development, faith, health, and fitness. You can find her online