
Confessions of a HEALTHY Over-Eater

Lindy Gault, Fitness & Nutrition Coach / Owner, Transform Fitness Studio

It’s no secret that we live in a society with some pretty distorted perspectives of appropriate portion sizes. In fact, over the last 20 years restaurant portion sizes have doubled and, in some cases, even tripled – an issue that contributes significantly to the obesity epidemic as well as the rising cases of heart disease, diabetes, and other preventable issues. And it’s not a problem isolated to just the restaurants we eat in. The over-sized portions served at restaurants affect how much we eat at home as well.

None of this is really “breaking news”. I think everyone realizes, or is at least aware of this problem and the efforts that are in place to make changes. As someone immersed in the health and fitness industry, I’m incredibly passionate about changing this pattern and the change that it can have in people’s lives. So imagine my surprise when I, a fitness and nutrition coach and very healthy eater, learned that I have been OVER-EATING!!

It’s true. In February I did a 21-day program that was all about portion control and I realized that while I wasn’t always eating enough food throughout my days, there were several foods that I was simply eating too much of! Sure, they were healthy but over-eating is over-eating, regardless of the quality. There can be TOO MUCH of a good thing! Even healthy eaters can consume more than they need to, as much as I hate to admit it! But admitting it was key because as I made some small and simple changes, I started seeing and more importantly FEELING results in my body that I hadn’t really expected.

So in the spirit of SPRING and renewal … and, as a result of the eye-opening lesson and my ongoing effort to educate others, I wanted to share some great information about portion-control and simple nutrition choices that just may be the key to helping you make some positive changes too!

TIP #1: Always make fruits and veggies the largest portion of your meal. When you fill your plate with fresh fruits and veggies you will naturally consume less calories, will be consuming important nutrients, and will naturally cut back on the foods that tend to pack the fat, sugar, and calories.

TIP #2: You DON’T have to have every food group at every meal. Yes, the traditional American meal has a protein, a carb, a vegetable or fruit, and usually an oversized dessert. But it’s OK to have a meal that goes against tradition. Enjoy a hearty salad with lean protein and forgo the bread – you don’t HAVE to have a carb at every meal.

TIP #3: Eat your carbs and fruits in the first half of your day. They are naturally higher in sugar and by eating them earlier in the day you can avoid the likelihood that they will be stored as fat.

TIP #4: When you are hungry, opt for veggies above anything else. They are the best nutrition you can get for the fewest calories and chances are pretty good that even if you eat a lot of them, you aren’t getting quite enough.

TIP #5: Take NOTES! Take note of what you eat and the patterns and habits you have when it comes to food. I’d gotten into such a routine with my eating habits that I wasn’t truly paying attention to my food choices. Through this 21-day program I was able to break the habits of mindlessly going to foods that were easy and I forced myself to choose what I needed to eat instead of what I wanted.

With these small changes made day-in and day-out for just a few weeks, I noticed my body feeling and looking better. I had more energy, I slept better, my belly was less bloated, and I could see better results from my workouts!

If you are interested in learning more about this 21-day program, contact me! I’d love to tell you about it – it is truly simple to follow and will teach you so much about your habits and your health!

To learn more about or get in touch with Lindy, email her at lindy@mytransformfitness.com. You can also find her on facebook at facebook.com/lindygirl21 and facebook.com/lindy.gault. For more information about Transform Fitness go to www.mytransformfitness.com

LindyGault_HeadShot_June2013Lindy is the owner of Transform Fitness Studios in Mahomet, a group fitness and training studio located on Commercial Drive. She is a graduate of Mahomet-Seymour High School and Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Lindy has been a fitness professional since 2004. She holds certifications in 11 fitness formats as well as nutrition and personal training. Prior to opening her business in Mahomet, Lindy was the Director of Refinery health club in Champaign. She is also an online fitness coach and serves as the Development Director for Salt & Light Ministry.

Lindy specializes in health & fitness coaching & training, leadership & business development, and is dedicated to inspiring others to change their lives through the power of personal development, faith, health, and fitness. You can find her online atwww.lindygault.com

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