Military families often find it difficult to find information or support when a loved one is deployed thousands of miles away from home in harm’s way. The Military Family Prayer Support Group, which will meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Lutheran […]
Public Stuff app connects residents to Village staff
Communication between Mahomet residents and Village officials is now easier with an online and mobile program called Public Stuff. Village Administrator Mell Smigielski won a free trial of Public Stuff at a conference a few years ago. With public participation, the Village staff decided to adopt the service into the […]
Matter of Days releases debut album
Almost every musician dreams of the day when they can produce an album. And while Matter of Days dreams of recording the one song which will allow them to travel the world, they are equally excited about performing their debut album at Memphis On Main Friday. Matter of Days recorded […]
Citizen Police Academy to educate residents on law enforcement
Law enforcement offices in Champaign County, including the Mahomet Police Department want to equip local residents with an understanding of law enforcement practices through a 10-week Citizen Police Academy from April 10 to June 12. Local officials will listen to participants’ concerns on drug use, gangs, school safety, DUI enforcement […]
Sangamon Christian Music Festival Christian band announced
The Sangamon River Music Festival Committee has secured Citizen Way as the Christian band to perform at the Sangamon River Music Festival this year. Formerly knows as The Least of These, Citizen Way has been together since 2004 when the four group members, Ben and Josh Calhoun and Ben and […]
Village visits preliminary 2015 budget
Village staff sought the guidance and input of Village board members as both parties discussed upcoming Village needs within the framework of the preliminary $3.6M budget for 2015. The budget is expected to be completed in May. Village Treasurer Jeanne Schacht explained some of the budget shortfalls as the […]
Miles of Hope to raise money for Type I diabetes cure
In the summer of 2010, Sam Burgwald was an active seven-year-old boy who loved to play outside with his sister,Emma, and his friends. Sam’s mom, Brandi, would watch the children run in and out of the house, consuming flavored boxes of water on those hot days. She remembers Sam always […]
Busey notifies customers of vishing scam
Press Release from Busey Bank 3.17.2014 Champaign, IL – Scammers looking to steal information from unsuspecting telephone users have begun contacting area residents. Busey has received numerous reports from customers and non-customers of recent vishing attempts. Vishing is a social engineering technique for acquiring personal or financial information from consumers […]
Freshmen Mentor Program changes culture of MSHS
After four years of implementation, staff at Mahomet-Seymour High School have witnessed the positive effects of the Freshmen Mentor Program (FMP). FMP meets during a daily, half-hour advisory period where students receive specialized instruction alongside study hall time. All freshmen are required to participate in FMP, which is led by […]
Confessions of a HEALTHY Over-Eater
Lindy Gault, Fitness & Nutrition Coach / Owner, Transform Fitness Studio It’s no secret that we live in a society with some pretty distorted perspectives of appropriate portion sizes. In fact, over the last 20 years restaurant portion sizes have doubled and, in some cases, even tripled – an issue […]