
The Mahomet Daily provides government, school, fire protection and library news for Mahomet-Seymour readers.


A Thank You Letter From John Scott

John Scott and his wife, Mary, run the soup kitchen at Candlewood. He shared this letter with the Mahomet Daily after a group of Mahomet residents dropped off presents to fill an immediate Christmas need. The Community Evangelical Free Church dropped off presents for a 5-year old and 1-year old […]


“Silent Night”

We’ve all heard the oxymorons, right? You know, a figure of speech that uses contradictory terms that both make sense, no sense, or nonsense all at the same time. Terms like “active retirement”, “adult children”, “jumbo shrimp”, “fresh frozen”, “authentic replica”, “pretty ugly”, or “a minor catastrophe”. A personal example […]

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MSJHS Honor Roll List

MSJHS High Honors [one-third-first] 6th Grade Allinger, Kaden N. Amatyleon, Savannah C. Arnett, Brooke A. Aziz, Murtadha Beal, Elijah W. Bednar, Lauren K. Bell, Tyler J. Berg, Alec R. Bergman, Alec K. Biegler, Nadia N. Boyd, Ava D. Bristle, Quade D. Burr, Lauren E. Burson, Aubrey A. Butler, Noah M. […]