My 30th class reunion is this weekend so I’m in a reflective mood. When I think about my post high school life, I think mostly of the past 20 years. The first 10 years were spent trying to be the cool kid I was not in high school. I first […]
Author: Rebecca Hawley
K-5 Report Cards contain more information useful to parents
[two_third]If grandpa gives out a dollar for every A on a report card, students in Mahomet Seymour’s elementary schools may not see any profit at the end of this school year’s grading periods. Mahomet-Seymour School District has gone to skills based report cards in the elementary schools, kindergarten through fifth […]
New bar and grill opens in familiar location
There’s a new place for food, drinks and fun in Mahomet and it occupies a familiar location. It’ll Do, Bar and Grill opened for business on Tuesday, Sept. 1 in the location that once housed Uncle Bucks Sports Bar, 215 S. Lake of the Woods Rd., Mahomet. Owner Marvin Meadows […]
PTO Fundraiser Changes Venue, Hopes to Raise $100,000
Last year’s soggy weather may have temporarily dampened the spirits of Mahomet Seymour kindergarten through fifth graders, and it also brought about a change to the annual Parent Teacher Organization fundraiser. Last year’s Dawg Walk, the only fundraiser MS PTO puts on during the school year, was rained out on […]
New Pastor at Lutheran Church of Mahomet Ready to Join the Mahomet Community
As the new senior pastor of the Lutheran Church of Mahomet, Nikoli Falenschek needs to learn a lot of things like names and locations. There is one thing, however, he knows very well. That is how to be a Bulldog. “We were the Becker Bulldogs,” said Falenschek, a Minnesota native […]
Eagle Scout project to benefit MS Drama Department
Tyler Chalfant is a vital member of the Mahomet-Seymour High School drama department both on and off the stage. He has acted in productions, built sets, and now, thanks to his Eagle Scout project, another of his talents will be remembered for years to come. Chalfant’s Eagle Scout project was […]
Local Young Man to earn Eagle Scout While Helping Disabled Hunters
[two_third] Fulfilling a dream years in the making, a local young man will become an Eagle Scout by this fall, and his efforts will help hunters with disabilities enjoy an activity many take for granted. Lane Coffey, incoming freshman at Mahomet Seymour High School, said this project to help hunters […]
Local man buys Domino’s franchise, gives back to community
Seth Emerson wants to give you a night off from cooking. Is your kitchen 85 degrees in the summer before you turn on the oven? Did you have an afternoon meeting that just wouldn’t end? Do you need to feed the kids something before you shuttle them on to their […]
M-S Retirees look back over time in the district, offer advice for replacements
The end of a school year can be a bittersweet time for students and staff. Kids and grownups alike look forward to more free time during the summer. But people also have to say goodbye to friends they won’t see every day. Sometimes friends move on during the summer. Every […]
Edible garden at Lincoln Trail becomes a reality
Does your son know what a carrot, still warm from the Earth from where it was just pulled, tastes like? Or is a carrot to him a “baby carrot,” which has been processed to a cute, uniform shape and packaged weeks ago? To your daughter, does a salad come from […]