It’s that time of year again—the snow’s melting, the sun’s shining, and your thick sweaters are about to go into storage. It’s the perfect time to reignite your motivation and do something good for yourself by SPRINGING into something new with your fitness! Here are 10 simple tips to get […]
Author: Lindy Gault
This Is Who I Am
From a young age I’ve had a pretty strong and personality. I’ve been known (not always in a positive way) for being outspoken, intensely structured, and overly-sensitive. As a child I was often referred to as “the bossy one” . . . a term which I admit, hurt my feelings. […]
Taste the Rainbow! The Benefits of Colorful Foods & Salads this Summer.
You’ve been told your whole life to eat fruits and veggies, and for good reason. Studies show that eating fruits and veggies actually helps you live longer! Researchers have found that eating seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day could decrease your chances of death from any […]
Confessions of a HEALTHY Over-Eater
Lindy Gault, Fitness & Nutrition Coach / Owner, Transform Fitness Studio It’s no secret that we live in a society with some pretty distorted perspectives of appropriate portion sizes. In fact, over the last 20 years restaurant portion sizes have doubled and, in some cases, even tripled – an issue […]
Survive the Season!-Lindy Gault, Fitness & Nutrition Coach / Owner, Transform Fitness Studio
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! For most, it’s also one of the most CHALLENGING times of year when it comes to health and fitness. Tempting treats, holiday parties and busy schedules can wreak havoc on even the most determined people. But allowing yourself to go crazy all […]
Be Transformed
I don’t remember exactly when it began, but I know I was fairly young when I first started criticizing my body and comparing myself to friends. Until High School I was taller than most of the boys, which meant I was easily taller than my girlfriends as well and that […]