Author: Dani Tietz


Election Results

Unofficial Election Results: Currently, these totals represent the precincts that have been counted this evening. Mail-in ballots will still come in to the Champaign County Clerk. We will update you as we know more. Mahomet-Seymour School Board (11 of 11 precincts)Lance Raver: 941 votesMeghan Hennesy: 1,053 votesColleen Schultz: 1,029 votesJason […]


Early voting opens county-wide Wednesday

Over 1,000 voters have already cast their ballots in the Champaign County consolidated elections. In the days before the April 2, 2019 consolidated election deadline, the Champaign County Clerk’s office will open locations throughout Champaign County to make voting easy and accessible to those casting a vote. Mail-in votes and […]


Mahomet-Seymour financial health in ISBE early warning status, state-wide improvement reported

Financial gains are not something reported in the State of Illinois often. But the Illinois State Board of Education’s release of the 2019 School District Financial Profile Scores showed that school districts within the state are experiencing some financial gains. The ISBE reviews each district’s financial profile based on fund […]


Village Board meeting venue change 3.26.2019

The Village of Mahomet has moved their regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, March 26 to the Cornbelt Fire Department, located at 506 E Main St. The change comes after the March 19 study session where residents from Summit Ridge, Briarcliff and Lakeview Subdivisions packed the Village Administration Building. During […]