The Village Board of Mahomet approved $99,036.95 for playground equipment at Barber Park in late November. The allotted dollars will cover equipment and shipping. The full cost of the playground will be $170,039, but the cost to the Village was reduced with the help of an Illinois Park and Recreation […]
Author: Dani Tietz
Steve Elkins leaves behind legacy of kindness and hard work at Cornbelt Fire
When problems arise, Mahomet residents know to call 911 and they know that the Cornbelt Fire Department will be on their way. But, most people do not realize how those services became part of the Cornbelt. But Steve Elkins does. After 40 years as a volunteer with the fire department, […]
IESA seeks donations to stay afloat
The Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA), the governing body of athletic and non-athletic activities at the middle/jr. high school level, has launched a fundraiser to stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization’s operating funds come from operating funds are the result of attendance at the state series events, not […]
Mahomet’s Jennifer Drive Christmas display has something for everybody
Christmas light displays come in many different shapes and sizes. It seems to be the big displays, though, that draw the most attention. Jennifer Brannon began piecing together her display at 102 Jennifer Drive more than 15 years ago when she lived in Oklahoma. Brannon’s vision is not lights set […]
1969 Camaro a “dream come true”
Mahomet native Scott Miller now owns his dream car. The owner of Bulldog Automotive acquired the 1969 Supersport Camaro after a trip to North Carolina with his son, Ty, in October. “It’s been my dream car since I was 13-years old,” Miller said. Miller had talked about restoring an old […]
Mahomet-Seymour Interact to collect items for Mom’s Pantry
The Mahomet-Seymour Interact Club will be collecting jackets, hats, gloves, books, canned goods and toys/board games for Mom’s Pantry on Dec. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations are on a drive-by basis. The Interact Club will be in the Mahomet-Seymour High School front bus lane.
Dodge family continues to honor superheros with Christmas display
What makes a superhero? Is it a cape? Laser beams that shoot from the eyes? And incredible strength that stops evil in its tracks? After almost a full year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the word superhero may be redefined. Is it the doctor that has worked 200 consecutive days? The […]
Mahomet Lions Club donates to Mom’s Pantry
Mahomet Lions Club President George Castor delivered a $1000 donation to Mom’s Pantry last Monday. The Club also made a food donation to the pantry that offers food items, hygiene products and clothes for those in need that have a student(s) in the Mahomet-Seymour school district. The pantry is open […]
Mahomet-Seymour updates COVID-19 quarantine procedures
Mahomet-Seymour will begin to follow new CDC guidelines, which add options for reduced quarantine times, according to an email from Superintendent Lindsay Hall Friday morning. Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others in an effort to stop the spread of disease […]
Mahomet shopping guide for Dec. 3-11
Yellow & Co., 604 E. Main Street, Suite C, Masks Required to Enter, Stock up on stocking stuffers! Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-4 Winderson’s Creations, 601 E Main St, Suite 105, find something that speaks to your soul. Winderson’s Creations specializes in custom gifts and apparel. Their space also includes locally […]