Author: Dani Tietz


IESA sports still on hold

The Illinois Elementary School Association planned to allow member schools to begin boys’ basketball practice on Jan. 4, but received word on Dec. 29 that the state of Illinois remains in Tier 3 mitigations. IESA Executive Director Steve Endsley wrote in a press release that he believes “ it is […]


Mahomet-Seymour School District prepares for COVID-19 antigen testing

The Mahomet-Seymour School District will begin rapid antigen testingto help identify COVID-19 among Mahomet-Seymour staff and enrolledstudents beginning Jan. 11. With a valid consent form, eligible individuals will be able to betested at a drive-through facility in the bus lane at Mahomet-SeymourJr. High School on Mondays, an asynchronous learning day […]