If you don’t know the story, you probably know of the image of six-year-old Ruby Bridges walking down the stairs outside of William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans on Nov. 14, 1960. The small Black girl in a dress and cardigan was surrounded by three U.S. Marshalls when she […]
Author: Dani Tietz
Village of Mahomet emergency snow routes
Beginning Wednesday, February 2nd at 2:00 a.m.- Friday, February 4th at noon, our snow routes will be in effect. When snow routes are put into effect, anyone parked in these areas will be towed at the owner’s expense. DESIGNATED SNOW ROUTES ARE AS FOLLOWS: CENTER STREETMARIETTAPEACOCKFAWN DRIVENORTH AND SOUTH GARDEN […]
Making Sense of Your Tax Dollars: Village of Mahomet Compensation Reports
All God’s Children Garage Sale on Jan. 29
East Central Illinois Legacy Project: Remembering Eva Mozes Kor
Seventy-five years ago on Jan. 27, 1945, the Soviet army liberated Auschwitz. Approximately 1.3 million Jews were sent to Auschwitz, the largest extermination camp run by Nazi Germany in occupied Poland. About 1.1 million of those people perished at the concentration camp, including 960,000 Jews. Under Hitler’s rule, 6 million […]
Village board approves commercial buildings, multi-family development in Vision South
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees approved conditional use permits for three mixed-use commercial buildings and a multiple-family residential development with a clubhouse on Tuesday. The board saw an updated version of the multi-family development during their regular board meeting after board members expressed concerns about the aesthetics of […]
Upcoming in Mahomet 2022: #1 Moving forward on clean water for victims of People’s Gas leak, a commentary
*Editor’s Note: The Mahomet Daily has published several news articles on the People’s Gas Leak, and movements towards getting clean water to residents. This is not a news article, but rather a call to get it done. In places like Mahomet, it is hard to imagine life without a clean […]
The SAT will go digital in 2024
The College Board has announced that beginning in 2024 the portfolio of SAT tests will go all-digital. “The digital SAT will be easier to take, easier to give, and more relevant,” said Priscilla Rodriguez, vice president of College Readiness Assessments at College Board. “We’re not simply putting the current SAT […]
Upcoming in Mahomet 2022: #2 Development of South Mahomet Road and Railroad Crossing
The Village of Mahomet has filed a petition with the Illinois Commerce Commission for consideration and funds for a railroad crossing that would extend South Mahomet Road through the 77-acre property that the Mahomet-Seymour School District owns on the east side of the Village. In seeking the “opening of a […]
Athlete of the Week: Ivie Juarez
Normal Community transplant Ivie Juarez is leaving her mark in the Mahomet-Seymour Basketball program during her senior year. The 5’9” senior has added an exciting presence to the 18-4 Bulldogs. She kicked the season off with 45 points and 18 rebounds in the Prairie Central Tournament. Since then, the Parkland […]