Month: July 2021


Mahomet-Seymour track to be rebuilt

The Mahomet-Seymour School Board approved a $69,997 bid by Midwest Track Buildings to rebuild the existing running track at Mahomet-Seymour High School in June. Midwest Track Buildings was the only vendor to submit a bid.  District Chief School Business Officer Heather Smith said the IESA and IHSA will not allow […]


Mahomet-Seymour board discussed staff bonuses using ESSER funds

Mahomet-Seymour School Board member Meghan Hennesy asked the board to consider including a $1,000 bonus for all union-eligible employees and building-level administrators during the regularly scheduled board meeting in June.  Hennesy suggested that the money come from ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds. She said ESSER funds continue to […]


S&P upgrades Illinois bond rating

By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – The credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings upgraded Illinois’ bond rating on Thursday, citing the state’s improved financial condition.  It’s the second upgrade from a major credit rating agency to move the state away from the brink of “junk” status. “The upgrade reflects […]


Unprecedented unemployment deficit threatens to ‘cripple’ businesses, claimants

By JERRY NOWICKICapitol News SPRINGFIELD – Since economic shutdowns began and COVID-19 death counts started to rise in March 2020, national unemployment rates have hovered at historically high numbers, stressing state unemployment systems left dealing with an unprecedented number of claims. In Illinois, that’s led to a deficit in […]


State revenues surged in previous fiscal year

By PETER HANCOCKCapitol News SPRINGFIELD – Revenues flowing into state coffers surged in the fiscal year that ended June 30, spurred largely by an influx of federal funds, the delayed deadline for filing income tax returns last year and an economic recovery that boosted income and sales tax collections […]