Month: July 2021


State ‘strongly encourages’ public, private colleges to require students to get COVID-19 vaccine

By JERRY NOWICKICapitol News SPRINGFIELD – The state’s higher education agencies released updated COVID-19 guidance Monday encouraging all public and private higher education institutions in Illinois to issue mandatory vaccine policies. “Vaccination against COVID-19 is now widely available, and all persons over the age of 12 are eligible,” the guidance document […]


Ranstead to play volleyball at SIUE

It’s true that parents never can tell what path their child might take.  “My older sister played volleyball and always begged me to play with her and at the time I hated it,” Ainsley Ranstead said.  Still, Ranstead gave volleyball a try.  As she tried different sports, trying to find […]


Pritzker signs ban on deceptive interrogation of minors, other criminal justice reforms

By JERRY NOWICKICapitol News SPRINGFIELD – Terrill Swift spent 15 years in prison, convicted of a rape and murder which DNA evidence later proved he did not commit. On Thursday, he appeared alongside lawmakers and criminal justice reform advocates in support of a bill signed by Democratic Gov. JB […]


Mahomet-Seymour to hire additional administrators

The Mahomet-Seymour School District will expand its administration team with new positions that will be funded through Evidence-based Tier funding through the state or ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) funding. Additional staff positions were also approved. Superintendent Lindsey Hall told the board that the district needed a District […]


M-S Board discusses policy for curriculum approval

Mahomet-Seymour School Board member Colleen Schultz presented the first reading of a new board policy that establishes the way curriculum is approved.  Schultz read: “Curriculum and curriculum revisions will not be adopted at the board meeting they’re first introduced. Furthermore consideration will be given subsequent meetings after the opportunity for […]