Month: January 2021


Mahomet-Seymour Speech team places fifth at Normal West and Olympia virtual tournament

The Mahomet-Seymour Speech team will host their first-ever virtual tournament on Jan. 14 to 16.  Twenty other schools throughout Illinois will be coming together, including schools from southern Illinois and the suburbs of Chicago.  The competition includes 14 IHSA Individual Events which highlight a variety of public speaking styles. Eighteen […]


Engineering service agreement for lift station forcemain rerouting to be on consent agenda

Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees advanced a resolution to accept an Engineering Service Agreement with Fehr Graham & Associates LLC for the East Street lift station forcemain rerouting Tuesday night.  The project, which was  approved in the 2021-2025 Capital Improvements Plan, should total $370,000. The agreement with Fehr Graham […]


IHSA may release sports schedule on Jan. 27

The Illinois High School Association plans to hold a special meeting on Jan. 27 to further discuss and possibly bring forth “viable scheduling options.” Wednesday’s IHSA board meeting brought forth an announcement that all IHSA sports not operating under an official IHSA season calendar may begin to conduct contact days […]