Month: August 2020


IDPH voting guidance specifies social distancing, recommends masks

By REBECCA ANZELCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Department of Public Health has released in-person voting guidelines for election authorities to curb the spread of COVID-19 this year. Changes announced last week include moving polling locations from senior living facilities, maintaining social distancing for voters and workers, creating outdoor spaces for […]


Survey: Local governments see drastic COVID-19-related revenue drops

By REBECCA ANZELCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Illinois residents should expect fewer road repairs, community programs and other local government-provided services and higher locally-imposed tax rates as officials struggle with COVID-19-induced revenue shortfalls, a municipal government advocacy group warned this week. According to a survey conducted by the Illinois Municipal League, almost […]


Kroner bares his heart in new autobiography

Fred Kroner isn’t done telling stories.  After more than 50 years of work at The Champaign-Urbana Morning Courier, The Springfield State-Journal Register, The Bloomington Daily Pantagraph, The Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, the Mahomet Citizen and the Mahomet Daily, Kroner has also published five books highlighting everything from the Eastern Illinois Baseball League […]