By FRED Thursday was a night for treats and Mahomet-Seymour’s volleyball team received one of the sweetest ones possible. For just the second time in the past 23 years, M-S captured a regional championship in volleyball. Since 1996, the school’s only other postseason hardware in volleyball was a regional […]
Month: October 2019
M-S Superintendent Contract addendum extends goal-setting deadline
BY DANI Fulfilling contracts per the terms of the contract was the topic of discussion at the Mahomet-Seymour School Board’s Special Board meeting Monday night. All seven board members were present to discuss the need to establish 2019-20 goals for Superintendent Lindsey Hall, who was not in attendance. The […]
Mahomet-Seymour Veterans’ Day Ceremonies
BY DANI Mahomet-Seymour High School student council will host a Veteran’s Day breakfast beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 11. A shuttle bus from Our Lady of the Lake parking lot to the high school will be available beginning at 7:15 a.m. Mahomet-Seymour High School Mahomet-Seymour High School student […]
Turk breaks school record, M-S takes first at Danville
BY FRED Mahomet-Seymour girls’ swimming improved its season record to 13-3 by winning a triangular meet in Danville on Tuesday. The Bulldogs totaled 114 points and outscored the host Vikings (94 points) and Charleston (54 points). M-S had a record-shattering performance from diver Payton Turk. She broke the school […]
Record-setting soccer season comes to end
By FRED The best boys’ soccer season in Mahomet-Seymour history came to an end on Tuesday with a 3-2 loss to Morton in a Class 2A Bloomington Sectional semifinal match. The Bulldogs end with a 17-5-4 record and the school mark for wins in a season. After falling behind […]
Homeschool discussion ongoing for Mahomet-Seymour School Board
BY DANI The Mahomet-Seymour School Board is continuing the conversation about what it looks like for the district to allow nonpublic school students to participate in extra-curricular activities. The topic was first brought to the M-S policy committee on Sept. 30 by Board Member Colleen Schultz. With instructions to […]
Ameren Illinois celebrates National Energy Awareness Month with Lincoln Trail Students
BY DANI Students at Lincoln Trail Elementary School got an inside look at energy conservation from electric and natural gas safety from Ameren Illinois earlier this month. Each year, Ameren Illinois celebrates National Energy Awareness month by giving energy conservation presentations to fourth- and fifth-grade students throughout its service […]
Baldwin Bytes to raffle off $850 PC, proceeds to benefit Mahomet Stingers
BY DANI Mahomet’s custom computer repair and support team, Baldwin Bytes, is excited to announce a ribbon-cutting ceremony, open house and raffle that will benefit the Mahomet Stingers on Nov. 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. The event is in conjunction with Tutor Doctor’s ribbon-cutting ceremony. The duo is […]
M-SJH continues winning ways over Rantoul
By FRED Mahomet-Seymour’s junior high school girls’ basketball teams continued their winning ways on Monday. Both squads were victorious in games against Rantoul. The seventh-graders posted a 33-2 triumph. The team’s top scorers were Kylie Waldinger (nine points), Ellie Dallas (seven points) and Talia Francom (six points). The eighth-graders […]
Mahomet McDonald’s to hold fundraising night for MAYC
Some kids love McDonald’s. The kids who participate in Mahomet Area Youth Club programming are no different. But on Wednesday, Nov. 6, McDonald’s in Mahomet, located at 1006 Purnell Drive, will show the MAYC kids a little extra love as it gives back part of the proceeds from sales between […]