It’s pumpkin season! And Crowley Pumpkins, located at 435 CR 2500 N in Mahomet has a little something for everyone. The 2019 crop produced an abundance of pumpkins and gourds. After seeing the popularity of variety, the Crowleys are also bringing back an assortment of mums and fall flowers for […]
Month: September 2019
Commentary: The Human Race
BY JASON SCHIFO In the summer of 2018, my family and I had the opportunity to attend a lecture at Answers in Genesis, given by Ken Hamm, its founding director. While I don’t agree with Ken Hamm on a number of topics and issues, the lecture he gave on race […]
Classic Plumbing PLUMBER of the Month: Delaney Smith
BY DANI TIETZ Delaney Smith has a new appreciation for people, their lives, their culture and their world. Smith spent a month in Finland as part of the States 4-H International Exchange Program. An eight-year member of 4-H, Smith’s focus has been on show horses and livestock, but after […]
M-S Volleyball falls to unbeaten Unity
FRED KRONER Ainsley Ranstead had eight kills and nine digs on Tuesday, but Mahomet-Seymour volleyball dropped a 25-20, 25-23 decision at unbeaten Unity. Kayin Garner handed out 21 assists and served one ace. Unity is 4-0. M-S (1-2) returns to action tonight at home against Lincoln in the team’s […]
Shoaf posts top score for Bulldogs, Girls’ golf places second at Monticello
BY FRED KRONER Mahomet-Seymour Boys’ Golf Junior Curtis Shoaf on Tuesday became the fourth Bulldog to post the team’s best score in a meet this season. Shoaf tied for fifth overall, with a 45, in a dual meet against Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley at Lake of the Woods. GCMS topped the […]
M-S Swimming wins 9 of 11 events at Lincoln
By FRED KRONER Mahomet-Seymour dominated a four-team girls’ swimming meet on Tuesday at Lincoln, winning nine of 11 events and sweeping the top three spots in two of the races. M-S amassed 580 points, more than the total for the other three schools combined. Runner-up Lincoln had 199 points […]
Registration opens for M-S Homecoming Parade
Registration is open for the Mahomet-Seymour High School Homecoming parade, which will take place at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Parade entrants can register at The 2019 parade will be limited to 60 entrants. Parade-related questions can be directed to the Mahomet-Seymour High School Student Council sponsor Jamie […]
CCFPD ready to open Botanical Garden Water Feature
The Champaign County Forest Preserve will show off the Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden‘s newly renovated waterfall in a ceremony on Sept. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The year-long reconstruction of the popular feature will end with hors d’oveuvres, music, and a cash bar at the Lake of the Woods […]
Trunk or Treat registration open
Burgwald Eye Center is hosting their annual Trunk or Treat event on October 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. The event provides a safe trick-or-treat environment for hundreds of children as businesses and organizations deck-out their vehicles with themes and hand out candy. To register your business or organization, return […]
Mahomet-Seymour Construction students selling yard sheds
Do you need a yard shed? Students in Mahomet-Seymour High School’s construction program are building yard sheds. Buyers are required to cover the cost of materials and fees associated with moving the shed to their home. Delivery is available in the Mahomet area. Sheds are expected to be completed at […]