My name is Carol Sheley. I am the chairperson of the Illinois Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council (SWFCAC) and have served on the council since 2014. Our council is a state-level board that advocates for the needs of foster families in Illinois and advises the director of the Illinois Department […]
Month: March 2019
Letter to the Editor: Hays Supports Keefe
I am writing to express my support for Ken Keefe for Mahomet-Seymour School Board. I’ve known Ken for years and he is a hard-working, dedicated guy. For the past several years, he has helped a local conservation organization that is near to my heart, the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy by […]
Letter to the Editor: Stoecker writes in support of Keefe
On April 2nd, I will be casting my vote for Ken Keefe for the school board. I met Ken and became familiar with his dedication to the school district as we both served on the Mahomet-Seymour Parent Teacher Organization board. In the time that I’ve known him, he’s acted in many roles in the […]
Candidate Op Ed: Keefe looks at district finances
The following piece was submitted by Ken Keefe, a candidates for the Mahomet-Seymour School Board. The following opinions and statements are not those of the Mahomet Daily or it’s parent company Sangamon Currents, LLC. Sangamon Currents welcomes submissions from candidates as long as they are factual (cited-we do not go […]
Take time to find painted eggs throughout the Champaign County Forest Preserve parks
Champaign County residents may have an Easter egg hunt or two scheduled on their calendar over the next month. But residents don’t have to wait until the big day to find eggs. They could just visit any Champaign County Forest Preserve park. In 2018, Lake of the Woods visitors were […]
MSHS Spring Sports open week with wins
By FRED Mahomet-Seymour athletic teams were 3-for-3 this week in capturing wins in scored events. The girls’ soccer and softball teams opened their outdoor seasons with victories while the boys’ indoor track and field team dominated at its own invitational. The baseball team was unable to get its scheduled […]
Village looks to annex about 300 unincorporated residents
EDITORS NOTE: Unincorporated Briarcliff, Summit Ridge and Lakeview residents received their 15-day notice of annexation last week. Much of the information in this piece comes from the Village Administration. Annexation is on the study session agenda for 3.19.2018. We will bring you more information then. Below this article is a […]
Starwalt resigns position at Middletown Prairie
Wendy Starwalt submitted her resignation as Principal of Middletown Prairie Elementary Monday night. Starwalt was hired in 2017. Since January 2018, the Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School Principal and Assistant Principal, the District Technology Coordinator, District After-School Program Coordinator, District Director of Facilities and District Transportation Director have resigned.
Tamburo returns to Mahomet, will continue softball career at Parkland
By FRED Sam Tamburo is not a typical transfer. First, she transferred from a high school in Arizona to Mahomet-Seymour for her senior year. How many teen-agers willingly leave a warm-weather climate for an area that produces negative wind chills multiple times during the winter? “I missed Illinois terribly,” […]
Nichols places in three indoor track events at EIU Invitational
By FRED Lakeida Nichols was a three-event individual placer on Saturday for Mahomet-Seymour in the Class 2A division of the Eastern Illinois University Indoor Invitational. Nichols was third in the 60-meter dash (8.07 seconds), sixth in the 200 meters (27.13) and tied for 10th in the long jump (15 […]