Month: April 2018


Carle Hospital initiative passes senate: Rose sponsored measure to help lift individuals out of poverty

Springfield, IL – Legislation proposed by Urbana based Carle Hospital and designed to help address poverty in the region by training and putting people to work passed by the Senate unanimously April 24. The legislation sponsored by local State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) and co-sponsored by Sen. Scott Bennett (D-Chicago) built […]


Community Invited to Post Prom Open House Saturday

The Mahomet-Seymour Post Prom event will uphold the longstanding tradition of hosting an energetic, fun and safe event for Junior and Senior Mahomet-Seymour students.  The event takes place at 11 pm following Prom.  Students do not have to attend Prom to attend Post Prom.  Post Prom provides a casual, exciting and safe place for students to celebrate. This year the theme of the […]