Month: August 2017


Rose votes against bailout of Chicago Public Schools, Democrats in Senate take money away from downstate schools

Springfield, IL – State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) issued the following statement in response to Senate Democrats overriding Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Amendatory Veto of Senate Bill 1, education funding reform: “First it was a massive tax hike on the backs of every working Illinoisan, now it’s a bailout of Chicago […]


Easton creates a buzz

Teri Easton expects a lot of buzz about her new venture. The former athletic department administrative assistant at Champaign’s St.Thomas More needed a hobby to help her into retirement. The White Heath resident found a sweet one. Easton is becoming a beekeeper. She had no background in the endeavor. “I’ve […]


The Vineyard Church Mahomet Moves Worship Services To Urbana, Continues To Serve Locally

Urbana, Illinois –– August 9, 2017 ­­–– The Vineyard Church Mahomet will begin meeting for weekend worship services in Urbana beginning August 19th and 20th while continuing to serve the local Mahomet community. Beginning the third weekend of August, the Vineyard community will no longer meet in Mahomet for their weekend services. […]