The 4th annual Chris Craig Memorial 5K Run/Walk to benefit Mahomet-Seymour Schools, the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department and the Carle Cancer Center will take place on October 17 at Elks Lodge at Lake of the Woods at 8:00 a.m. Chris Craig passed away after battling kidney cancer in 2012. […]
Month: September 2015
A letter to my 18-year old self
Dear Dani, This isn’t even on your radar. I know you’re not even thinking about turning 36. But here I am, 18 years later, a confident, well-adjusted woman, looking at you, a hurt 18-year old girl with promise, with a few words of advice as you go through the next […]
Central Illinois Fall Guide
Click here to see the 2015 Central Illinois Fall Guide!
Forensic DNA testing may reveal information about Holly Cassano’s murder
The Champaign County Sheriff’s office has released new information in the investigation of Holly’s Cassano’s 2009 murder. The Champaign County Sheriff’s Office hired a private forensic laboratory to do testing and studies, beyond that done by the Illinois State Police Crime Lab, on the DNA recovered at the crime scene. […]
USRC collects 1.5 dry tons of trash from Sangamon River
Thirty-three volunteers, including 17 student volunteers from the University of Illinois Wildlife Society, participated in the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy’s 2015 Sangamon River Clean-Up Saturday. The group pulled an estimated 1.5 dry tons of trash along with four tires from the Sangamon River. Over the last four years, the group has […]
MSJHS students eat with local police officers
MSJH faculty and students hosted a “Thank A Cop Day” on Friday during lunch. “Thank a Cop Day” is part of a state-wide recognition of law enforcement agents through Illinois on 9.19.2015.
New bar and grill opens in familiar location
There’s a new place for food, drinks and fun in Mahomet and it occupies a familiar location. It’ll Do, Bar and Grill opened for business on Tuesday, Sept. 1 in the location that once housed Uncle Bucks Sports Bar, 215 S. Lake of the Woods Rd., Mahomet. Owner Marvin Meadows […]
USRC finds two new mussel species in Sangamon River
25 volunteers joined the Upper Sangamon River Conservancy (USRC) Saturday morning as they combed the Sangamon River between the Izaac Walton Cabin and the covered bridge at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve. The USRC searches different spots in the Sangamon River annually to study mussels native to the area. […]
Village and School board discuss the future of Sangamon, air conditioning in schools and Village growth
The Mahomet-Seymour School Board hosted the Village Board of Trustees in a joint meeting to discuss the future of Mahomet. Members of both boards weighed in heavily on educating students in the current Sangamon Elementary building and the potential of moving first and second grade students into an addition off […]
Sangamon reading team wins award
Sangamon reading team, Angie Pagel, Kay Coulson, and Emily Hays, won an Illinois State Board of Education “Those Who Excel” award last week.