The Bulldog Blueprint team recently wrapped up a community survey as a way to gauge interest in voting for or against a tax increase that will might some of the capacity issues in the district.
The committee says that although plans are not finalized, the funds needed to add classroom space in the Mahomet-Seymour School District will result in a property tax increase until 2042.
When walking through the Bulldog Blueprint survey, responses to whether or not a taxpayer would approve of or oppose a $95 to $100 million referendum lead in two different directions. Those who oppose, strongly oppose or don’t know are asked if they would support the measure, knowing that a $150,000 home would see a $41/month increase in taxes. The median market value of a home in Mahomet-Seymour is approximately $218,000.
According to a calculator Stifel provided, a homeowner with
- a house of market value at $150,000 would see a $493 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $200,000 would see a $679 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $250,000 would see a $866 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $300,000 would see a $1053 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $400,000 would see a $1426 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $500,000 would see a $1,799 annual tax increase;
- a house with a market value of $750,000 would see a $2,733 annual tax increase;
- and a house with a market value of $1,000,000 would see a $3,66 annual tax increase
on the $95 to $100 million dollar referendum.
According to documents filed in July 2021, and again in Dec. 2021, by the Village of Mahomet with ICC, a new junior high school is expected to be built for opening in 2026.
Participation in the community initiative, which included multiple sessions, both in-person and online, was low over the last year, but the team concluded that a new junior high is what constituents wanted. Some participants dropped out of sessions after they felt a decision to build a junior high had already been made, and their ideas were not included in subsequent sessions while others faithfully attended all sessions.
Constituents received different sets of questions based on their responses. Some of the questions included:
- Gender, age and age of children in home
- The Bulldog Blueprint engagement program is considering options to improve our school buildings. While no final decision has been made, for purposes of this question, assume the district places on the ballot a bond proposal in the $95 to $110 million range to build a new middle school to replace the junior high school, add classroom space at other buildings, and address maintenance and repair needs. Is this proposal something you would strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose?
- The proposal would cost the owner of a $150,000 house approximately $41 per month in higher taxes. Knowing this, is this proposal something you would strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose? (*the median home value in Mahomet is around $218,000)
- Below are some statements that people might make about public education. For each, indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree:
- We get an excellent educational value for the taxes we pay to our school district;
- People like me can’t afford to pay higher property taxes, no matter how good the cause;
- Supporting public schools is the best thing we can do to protect the investment we’ve made in our homes;
- Our schools are fine just the way they are. Nothing needs to be done beyond normal maintenance and repair;
- I’m willing to pay more to make sure we keep up with enrollment growth and continue to provide great schools for our kids;
- The quality of our public schools is the most important factor regarding property values in our area;
- Next, rate the performance of the Mahomet-Seymour School District. For each of the following, indicate whether you think the District does an excellent, good, not so good or poor job:
- Communicating with members of the community;
- Keeping school buildings well-maintained and in good working condition;
- Keeping up-to-date with instructional technology;
- Providing safe learning environments for students;
- Soliciting community input;
- Responding to community input;
- Attracting and retaining high quality staff;
- Keeping up with enrollment growth;
- Keeping up with enrollment growth;
- Managing the COVID pandemic;
- As mentioned earlier, the Bulldog Blueprint community engagement program for Mahomet-Seymour School District is developing a long-term building improvement plan. For each item below, rate its importance on a seven-point scale:
- Providing additional classrooms and learning environments to accommodate enrollment growth and capacity needs;
- Replacing the junior high with an up-to-date and expanded new building;
- Making needed renovations and repairs to roofs, windows, doors, and electrical and plumbing systems;
- Adding air conditioning to classrooms and other educational spaces that are not currently air conditioned;
- Updating and improving physical education spaces including locker rooms;
- Upgrading safety and security systems including fire alarms;
- Adding synthetic turf to the high school stadium;
- Making sure indoor air quality is clean and healthy;
- Upgrading playgrounds where needed;
- As mentioned earlier, the Bulldog Blueprint community engagement program for Mahomet-Seymour School District is developing a long-term building improvement plan. For each item below, rate its importance on a seven-point scale:
- Providing a better facility for maintenance and repair of school buses;
- Providing up-to-date classroom technology throughout all buildings to support teaching and learning needs;
- Providing functional flexible furniture and equipment;
- Upgrading specialty learning areas like Science, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), Career and Technical/Industrial Arts, etc;
- Upgrading and improving fine arts facilities including performing and visual arts;
- Providing quality support spaces able to benefit the whole student;
- Upgrading facilities and sites to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow before and after school;
- Upgrading all district facilities to ensure each fully supports students served by that facility including outdoor and athletic facilities;
- Below are some statements that people might make about a possible proposal for improving our school facilities in Mahomet-Seymour. For each, indicate if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree:
- Our junior high school is old and beyond being able to cost-effectively repair and upgrade. New construction is the only viable solution;
- Investing in improved school buildings now will benefit many future generations of students and homeowners;
- Our schools are fine the way they are. All that is needed is some basic maintenance and repair;
- Enrollment is growing and will continue to grow. We must take steps to expand our facilities and provide the needed classroom space;
- Initial investments in facility upgrades must include support for current and expected enrollment growth at all buildings;
- In addition to providing more space, we need to protect our investment in our schools by making sure they remain in good condition;
- People need low taxes more than better school facilities. We should forget about improving our schools for the time being;
- For more than 180 years, people in our community stepped up and provided good schools for children. It is our turn to do the same thing.
- As mentioned earlier, Mahomet-Seymour School District is considering placing a bond proposal on the ballot. While no final decision has been made, for purposes of this question, assume the proposal will be in the $95 to $110 million range to build a new middle school to replace the junior high school, add classroom space at other buildings, and address maintenance and repair needs. Is this proposal something you would strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose?
The Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education will hear a final conclusion within the next couple months. The school district will come to taxpayers with a referendum in June 2022.
We will vehemently oppose this increase and will do everything in our powers to stop this from happening. Our taxes are already to high. Live within your means or let industry in this town to support your dream world. We’ve lived here since 1987 and have paid a fortune for this school district. We haven’t even started discussing the tax increase the library wants. Live within your means. Maybe shouldn’t have sold the beautiful grade school on Main Street!