
Village visits preliminary 2015 budget


Village staff sought the guidance and input of Village board members as both parties discussed upcoming Village needs within the framework of the preliminary $3.6M budget for 2015. The budget is expected to be completed in May.

Village Treasurer Jeanne Schacht explained some of the budget shortfalls as the preliminary budget did not comply with financial policies established by the Village. Looking for ways to cut $140,000 from the budget, the board quickly removed the $25,000 LED Message Board that the Village planned to use for community announcements.

Village staff also talked about reviewing each line item or cutting each department’s budget by five percent to regain needed funds .

Mahomet Police Department
Police Chief Metzler requested the Village add another police officer as the Village continues to grow. Metzler said 24/7, 365-days is often a challenge for his staff of 8-full time officers.

In a letter to the Village, Metzler said the department has refrained from many annual requests, as they understand the need for infrastructure improvements within the Village. With many municipalities similar to the size of Mahomet with 13 full-time officers, Metzler requested another full-time officer to ease the burden on staff while also providing service which ensures the lifestyle many Mahomet residents have become accustomed to.

With budget constraints and upcoming debt commitments, Schacht suggested the Village consider a part-time officer to help fill the gap. Trustees Bill Oliger and Sean Widener agreed with a budget shortfall, a full-time employee would not be feasible. Oliger did not like the idea of a part-time employee.

Trustees Bruce Colravy and Vicki Cook suggested the Village prioritize its needs, as they could eliminate another $30,000 in Gateway Signs, and not overextend law enforcement staff.  Mayor Brown directed Village staff to eliminate the Gateway signs, but to reconsider them at a lower cost in next year’s budget.

The Mahomet Police Department budgeted $35,000 for overtime services in 2014.

In addition to the $25,000 cut for the LED sign, the Village is within $15,000 of having the money needed to hire another officer.

Community Development
Community Development Director Kelly Pfeifer has requested an additional $35,000 in the 2015 budget for consultation and legal fees. The 2014 budget allocated $65,000 for these services.

Pfeifer believes the department will need additional help as the Village has seen increased development activity. Over time, she would like to see additional consulting services provided on a flat fee, monthly basis.

With the addition of both residential and commercial developments, Brown hopes the Village will see an increase in sales tax revenue. The Village collected $650,000 in sales tax revenue last year.

They also received $1.29M in real estate tax and $600,000 in income tax. From 2007 to 2015 the Village revenue has increased 15 percent when the expenses have increased 65 percent.

Parks and Recreation
Mahomet Parks and Recreation Director Dan Waldinger stayed well under budget by $69,000. He said the Rec Department always banks money for grants, which require immediate fund availability.

Public Works-Transportation
Village staff eliminated the $56,500 Jefferson Street and Main Street Intersection Modification under the assumption that Sangamon Elementary will move to the Mahomet-Seymour School District property along IL-150 in four to five years.

The Village plans to reconstruct Main Street from Elm St. to the Post Office for $97,600. The Motor Fuel tax will cover $133,000 for resurfacing of State St. from Franklin to Division Street.

The Public Works Facility will receive a $165,169 remodel to make the office space of the former R&S Sales and Service building work for the transportation department’s needs.

The Village will use $56,000 from the Main and Jefferson Street modification and $50,000 of TIF funds to fulfill their intergovernmental agreement with the Mahomet-Seymour School District to provide Middletown Prairie and Sangamon Elementary with dark fiber from the ICN Backbone. The rest of the money is expected to come from the transportation fund.

Superintendent Rick Johnston announced the district will close and move their administration offices on April 16 and 17 at the Mhaomet-Seymour School Board meeting Monday. In order to operate, the district will need an active connection by April 20.

The Mahomet-Seymour School District provided MSHS, MSJHS, Lincoln Trail and Middletown Elementary with the dark fiber from I-74 via Crowley Road in the summer of 2013. The district spent $150,000 on the project.

While Village board members are reluctant to foot the $380,000 for a complete fiber loop throughout the Village, they will spend $170,000 to bring the fiber from Prairieview Road to Middletown Prairie Elementary. The project will also include an extension of the fiber from MSJHS to the Village Administration Building to Sangamon Elementary. Other Village offices are expected to gain access to the service through a wireless connection.

The Village will discuss whether or not to take ownership of the fiber connection or to lease the connection out to private parties. At this time, businesses have an opportunity to buy into the connection.

Public Works-Water
The 2015 budget also includes waterline replacements along Franklin and Lincoln Street for $140,000 and $97,000, respectively. LaForge said the majority of water maintenance is required in this historic area.

Trustees Cook and Andy Harpst asked if the replacement would affect other businesses in the area. LaForge said the Village will have to coordinate with businesses because the water will have to be shut off, but he does not foresee a ripple effect as they will not increase water pressure, only widen to capacity with a 6-inch line.

Village staff and board members will revisit the progression of the proposed budget in April before approving it in May.



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