
Village Oil and Chip Seal Coat Notice

The Village of Mahomet is scheduled to perform the seal coat programs the week of July 16, 2018, weather permitting.  At this time we are unable to give an exact day or time when the work will be done on your street.  Below is a list of the streets that will receive the oil and chip seal coat.


  • Turner Drive from Main Street to the north end
  • North Drive from Turner Drive to McKinley Drive
  • McKinley Drive/Court from Main Street to the north end
  • West Street from Oak Street to the north end
  • Adams Street from Walnut Street to Center Street
  • Sangamon Street from Division Street to Elm Street
  • Vine Street from Oak Street to Sangamon Street
  • Elm Street from Oak Street to the south end
  • Jefferson Street Oak Street to the south end
  • Center Street from Oak Street to the railroad tracks
  • Barbara Drive from Oda Drive to Dianne Lane
  • Raymond Drive from Oda Drive Dianne Lane
  • Clayton Drive from Oda Drive to Dianne Lane


  • Walnut street from the railroad tracks to Division Street
  • Washington Street from Walnut Street to Division Street
  • Jackson Street from Walnut Street to Division Street.

This application is done by spraying oil on the street and covering the oil with white rock chips, or a black aggregate called steel slag, depending on the street.  During these projects the streets will be closed for approximately 30-60 minutes.

If anyone at your residence parks a vehicle on the street, please move the vehicle(s) off the street beginning July 16th until the work is complete.

Should inclement weather occur the work is scheduled to be done the following week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Eric Crowley at (217) 586-2013 or (217) 621-2595 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

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