
Village of Mahomet water and wastewater customers will see increase in bill for FY’24

Village of Mahomet water and wastewater customers will see an increase in their rates for fiscal year 2024.

Water Fees

Water usage charge (in-Village):

= $ .68 per 100 gallons of use for water use up to 50,000 gallons
= $ .58 per 100 gallons of use for water use over 50,000 gallons

  • Average monthly user bill after 2023 increase based on 5250 gallons: $40.07, an increase of $2.62.

Water usage charge (out-of-Village):

= $ .75 per 100 gallons of use for water use up to 50,000 gallons
= $ .65 per 100 gallons of use for water use over 50,000 gallons

  • Average monthly user bill after scheduled 2023 increase based on 5250 gallons:
    $44.37, an increase of $2.62.

The estimated increased annual revenue resulting from the new water rate ($.05 increase)
would be approximately $77,500 based upon gallons billed during calendar year 2022 of
1,550,000 units (per 100 gallons) billed.

Water Connection Fees

A 20% increase for FY24 for water connection fees effective May 1, 2023

  • 3/4 or 1 inch service lines – $1,200.00
  • 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 inch services lines – $2,375.00
  • 1 3/4 or 2 inch service lines – $4,675.00
  • Larger than 2” is per unit of usage – $275.00
  • Fire Service Line – $750.00

For water connection fees, estimated revenues for FY2024 with a $200.00 increase for 40 new
connections would be an increase of $8,000 over FY2023.

Wastewater Fees

Wastewater usage rates

$1.11 per 100 gallons of water use (in-Village)

  • Average monthly user bill based on 5250 gallons: 63.27, an increase of $2.62.

Per the ordinance, a special charge of $0.15 per 100 gallons of wastewater use is added for
users located outside the Village’s corporate limit. This special charge shall be in addition to
the standard wastewater usage charge above.

The estimated increased annual revenue resulting from the new water rate ($.05 increase)
would be approximately $72,500 based upon gallons billed during calendar year 2022 of
1,450,000 units (per 100 gallons) billed.

Wastewater Connection Fees

A $350.00 increase for FY24 for wastewater connection fees.

  • Connection fee for one (1) unit would increase to $900.00 per unit of estimated
    wastewater usage. A residential single-family home usage is 3.5 (PE) for a total of
    $3,150 plus $50.00 fee,

For wastewater connection fees, estimated revenues for FY2024 with a $350.00 increase
(based on a 3.5 PE x $900 single family home) for 40 new connections would be an increase
of $14,000 over FY2023.

The Village of Mahomet staff said the increase is to help with increased costs, specifically with gas and electric needed to run the plant. The Village reports it also switched the types of motors used to help with cutting costs in the plant.

The connection fee increase is expected to toward plant improvements.

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