Editor’s Note: This was originally published on Jan. 12, 2023. We are republishing in light of the election on April 4.
By Isabella Zarate
In October 2012, Leisure Vision Conducted a Citizen Survey to convey a number of community needs and desires. Within the survey were questions regarding recreation activities, and what Mahomet residents may like to see.
Amongst the top five unmet needs for Mahomet households was a public swimming pool.
The survey reported that sixty percent of households claimed they have a need for an outdoor swimming pool and or a waterpark.
Now, just over ten years later, the Village Board is attempting to bring those dreams to light.
Due to things such as feasibility and maintenance, the Board opted for an indoor facility with outdoor aquatics. This means no indoor pool for the time being.
Nonetheless, the plans for the new pool along with the Mahomet Area Activity and Recreation Center (MAARC) are moving forward.
According to Mahomet Mayor and Village Board President, Sean Widener, the Village is focused on finding a location for the MAARC on land that they both own and control. With that, The Village purchased 19 acres along South Mahomet Road about two years ago.
Though, like many things, the potential pool location has changed over time. But as Widener claimed, “our focus has not.”
In 2019, the Village approached the potential purchase of Mahomet-Seymour Junior High for a rec center and pool after the school district no longer occupied the building. Widener said, “The plan for the Junior High is unknown therefore is not being considered at this time. “
While a big blue pool and a shiny new recreation building may seem appealing, perhaps the price tag is making the biggest splash.
Back in 2013 when the layout for the facility was accepted, the estimated price was in the range of 14 to 15 million dollars.
As time has passed, the price has excessively jumped to a whopping 28 million dollars, which was proposed and passed at Tuesday night’s Village Board meeting.
The next step is for The Village to fund the project.
According to Widener, “The funding of MAARC will require Village issued bonds (debt) which will be paid by a tax increase for Village residents.”
For the average Mahomet homeowner this is estimated to result in a $700 annual increase of Village taxes, or roughly $58 a month over a twenty-year period.
As a way to determine support for issuing such bonds, The Village wants to include a non-binding question on the April 4th ballot detailing the concept.
The board approved the introduction of such a question at their latest board meeting.
With that, residents who partake in voting on April 4th can expect to share whether or not they support the idea of a tax increase to fund a community pool and recreation center.