The Mahomet Daily has compiled salary information for Village of Mahomet from a former FOIA request and compensation reports located on the Village website. The following list does not include all employees of the Village of Mahomet.
Job | (Fiscal Year) Salary-not reflecting total compensation |
Police Chief(Mike Metzler) | (2013) $76,814 (2014) $79,657 (2015) $82,213 (2016) $84,490 (2017) $87,069 (2018) $89,170 (2019) $91,873 (2020) $94,827.20 (2021) $97,676.80 (2022) $100,110.40 |
Village Administrator(Patrick Brown) | (2013) $94,265 (2014) $96,346 (2015) $97,983 (2016) $90,000 (2017) $95,534 (2018) $100,776 (2019) $103,833 (2020) $110,406.40 (2021) $115,918.40 (2022) $118,830.40 |
Community Development Director(Kelly Pfeifer) | (2013) $66,955 (2014) $64,002 (2015) $66,050 (2016) $70,429 (2017) $72,542 (2018) $74, 298 (2019) $78,852 (2020) $82,617.60 (2021) $85,092.80 (2022) $87,214.40 |
Transportation Superintendent(Eric Crowley) | (2013) $56,534 (2014) $58,626 (2015) $60,511 (2016) $62,171 (2017) $64,064 (2018) $69,660 (2019) $72,862 (2020) $75,192 |
Water/Waste Water Superintendent(Jason Heid) | (2013) $68,578 (2014) $71,115 (2015) $73,391 (2016) $75,421 (2017) $77,683 (2018) $79,643 (2019) $83,283 (2020) $85,966.40 (2021) $88,545.60 (2022) $90,750.40 |
Parks and Rec(Dan Waldinger) | (2013) $55,141 (2014) $57,181 (2015) $59,009 (2016) $65,395 (2017) $70,429 (2018) $73,195 (2019) $77,688 (2020) $80,184 (2021) $82,596.80 (2022) $84,656.00 |
Engineer(Ellen Hedrick) | (2021) $88,982.40 (2022) $91,208.00 |
Deputy Police Chief (Tim Elliott) | (2021) $79,019.20 (2022) $80,995.20 |