
Village Board to vote on purchase of land for MAARC facility

The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees will vote on purchasing 19.6-acres of land near Middletown Prairie Elementary, just north of Norfolk Southern Railway and south of proposed South Mahomet Road, for $350,000 for the Mahomet Area Activity and Recreation Center (MAARC) on Tuesday.

The packet for Tuesday night’s meeting states that the land is worth $600,000. Owner Darrin Peters will make a $250,000 donation to the Village.

The Village has looked for property to purchase for the MAARC facility since 2004. The Village tried to purchase 13 Acres and Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School for $750,000 for the facility late last year. The sale of Mahomet-Seymour Junior High was contingent upon a referendum passing to build a new school.

When the Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education did not have enough votes to sell the land, the Village Board directed staff to look for another property.

The Village will use $287,000 from the Property Acquisition Fund and an additional $64,000 will be funded in FY2022 through the General Corporate Fund.

Future development will be contingent upon several potential funding sources including grants, fundraising, and a bond referendum.

The packet states:

“The site is considered a high-priority site for development of indoor recreation facilities and supporting outdoor amenities. Due to the shape, size and characteristics of the site will not support both an indoor recreation
facility and outdoor multifield complex and therefore all other existing recreation uses including the use of 13 Acres Park remain important assets for the recreation program moving forward. Staff will continue to explore property opportunities that will provide a permanent Village-owned solution for replacing 13-acres for outdoor recreation.”

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