The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees moved a proposed water/wastewater increase to the April 27 consent agenda Tuesday night.
The Village Board increased water rates $.02 in 2016, $.03 per 100 gallons in 2017 and 2018, $.05 per 100 gallons in 2020 and $.03 in FY 2021. The 2022 increase, to begin March 1, 2021 will be $.03 per 100 gallons for residents in the Village limits and outside the Village limits.
There are only 8 residents outside the Village limits on the Village water supply.
Other residents in Mahomet, those north of I-74 and east of IL-47 are served by the Sangamon Valley Water District.
If approved at the regular board meeting in April, the Village will eliminate the 30,000 to 50,000 volume discount structure, with price per gallon reductions for water use in the 30,000 gallon to 50,000 gallon range and again once the customer reaches more than 50,000 gallons.
Higher volume users will still pay the higher price for their first 30,000 gallons.
The rate for water for customers who live inside the Village of Mahomet will be $.60 per 100 gallons of use for water use up to 50,000 gallons and $ .50 per 100 gallons of use for water use over 50,000 gallons.
Village staff estimates that the average monthly user bill after the 2021 increase based on 5,250 gallons will be $36.50, an increase of $1.58.
The rate for water for customers who live outside the Village of Mahomet will be $.67 per 100 gallons of use for water use up to 50,000 gallons and $ .57 per 100 gallons of use for water use over 50,000 gallons.
The Village also looks to impose a 25-percent increase in water connection fees beginning May 1, 2021.
In 2018 and 2020, the Village increased connection fees $25.00 per connection.
The new fees are as follows: 3/4 or 1 inch service lines – $1,000.00 (up from $800); 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 inch services lines – $1,975.00 (up from $1,575.00); 1 3/4 or 2 inch service lines – $3,900.00 (up from $3,125.00); Larger than 2” is per unit of usage – $225.00 (up from – $175.00); Fire Service Line – $625.00 (up from $525.00).
Wastewater rates in Mahomet have remained stable since May 1, 2014, but the Village seeks to increase those by $0.03 per 100 gallons beginning May 1, 2021.
In-Village customers will pay $1.06 per 100 gallons a month (in-Village). Village documents presented to the Trustees say that the average monthly user bill for 2020 based on 5250 gallons will see a 1.58 increase on their bill for a total of $60.65.
The Village will also increase wastewater connection fees to $140.00 increase per unit beginning May 1, 2021.
The capacity fee for one unit would go to $800 per unit of estimated wastewater usage. Currently it is $660. A residential single-family home usage is 3.5 (PE) for a total of $2,800.00 plus $50.00 fee.
The Village says that the increases will allow for future capital improvement projects and expansion payments for water improvement projects along with keeping up with operational increases.
Comparatively, a family of four who uses 5,000 gallons of water and sewage on the Sangamon Valley Public Water District system pays an average of $75.33 per month.
The first 2000 gallons of water on that system are $19.55 and the rate is $6.60 per thousand gallons thereafter. For the first 2,000 gallons of wastewater usage, the price is $16.18 and a rate of $6.60 per thousand gallons is applied thereafter. Outside water usage is $7.15 per thousands gallons of usage with no minimum charge.
SWPVD does not have second meter charges and do not charge a water and sewer fee. Mahomet charges a $5 fee for water, a $5 fee for sewer and an $8 fee for outside meter.