The Village of Mahomet has created a Sangamon River Greenway Canoe and Kayak Launch Agreement that will be applied to commercial organizations and paddle sport outfitters who utilize public launch sites owned and maintained by the Village of Mahomet.
Currently, the only site along the Sangamon River owned by the Village is located at 1404 S Division Street.
While both staff and trustees agreed that the Village cannot keep anyone from kayaking on the Sangamon River, they believe the launch site and parking should be available to Village residents first.
As organizations register with the Village to provide kayaking excursions, they will be required to provide training to their customers. The Village also believes that the agreement will reduce their liability exposure and help maintain rules and standards for outings. The Champaign County Forest Preserve has utilized similar agreements with their launch sites.
Village staff said that the agreement will also help control the amount of vendors that can use the site.