
Village awards Cross Construction with South Mahomet utility extensions

The Village of Mahomet awarded the bid for utility extensions along the upcoming South Mahomet Road extension to Cross Construction Tuesday.

After bids were collected, Cross Construction came in at $2,850,000, over $1 million under their competitors. A&R Services bid $4,039,464.90 and Opperman Construction bid $4,058,070.00.

Trustee Brian Metzger raised concerns over the difference, wondering if Cross would come back with change orders that would put the Village over budget. Village Administrator Patrick Brown said that he believed Cross Construction might have a better understanding of what the project would entail since they had fulfilled several contracts with the Village.

The project involves the construction of Sanitary Interceptor Sewers and Watermain. The Sanitary sewer work is a continuation of the East Mahomet Interceptor Sewer (EMISS) and consists of approximately 1¼ miles of (up to 20’ deep) 8”, 18”, and 21” sanitary sewer, sanitary manholes, dewatering provisions, select trench backfill (the sewer will be under the shoulder of the proposed SMR pavement) and associated additional items. The Watermain work consists of almost 1 mile of 10” watermain, 8 fire hydrants, boring under the NSRR tracks, and associated additional items. Both utilities were designed with Tees and stubs to accommodate future development.

The completion date for the project is November 30, 2021.

The Village plans to bid phase 1 of the road construction this coming winter for 2022 construction.

The Village also hired Berns, Clancy and Associates to perform construction inspection on this contract.

Berns, Clancy and Associates will be responsible for the daily observation and documentation, testing observation and documentation, hiring geotechnical firm, if needed, erosion control observation and documentation and weekly communication with Resident Engineer Ellen Hedrick.

The amount for is not to exceed Berns, Clancy and Associates $193,400.

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