The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees will vote later this month on bid packages for the construction of a 6-court tennis facility that will be located at Middletown Park.
Mahomet Parks and Recreation Director Dan Waldinger said the apparent low bidder was from Petry Kuhne Company in the amount of $694,200 for construction of tennis courts. There were alternate bids for pickleball lines on three courts ($2,710) and lighting ($234,832). The Village plans to explore a lighting component for the project at a later date.
The courts are expected to be completed in time for the 2023-24 school year, allowing the Mahomet-Seymour tennis teams to use them. They should also be available for public use, including for youth and adult programs and league offerings with Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department.
The project is made possible by an Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity Grant for $725,000. According to a press release, the Village will look to partner with project stakeholders and the Mahomet Community Foundation to raise additional money to add lighting.
The Village has also been “gathering public feedback and master planning 13 Acres Park.”
The master plan will include the addition of pickleball courts. In the interim, three of the courts at the new tennis facility will include pickleball court lines. The department currently boasts over 28 pickleball teams participating in their winter league. As a result of the demand, the department has provided two temporary courts on the basketball court at Bridle Leash Park and utilizes school gyms and Sangamon on the Main gym for its winter demands.