
Upcoming in Mahomet 2022: #8 Plans for Mahomet Public Library

The Mahomet Public Library knows that its facility is too small to accommodate its constituency. It was apparent in 2007 when they built a 13,000 square-foot building, needing a 24,000 square-foot building. Today library staff estimates that the facility needs to be about 27,000 square feet.

At this time, the library board and staff have decided to move forward with applying for a Public Library Construction Act Grant, one of which could pay up to 49-percent of the cost of an addition. If secured, the library would begin fundraising efforts, look into wrap-around bonds, and tap into some reserves to realize the vision. 

At this time, the library board has hired Joe Huberty of Engberg Anderson to provide pre-funding designs. 

Director John Howard said that the vision is to extend the library structure to the north of the current building, maintaining the front facade. 

Howard said that with so many families using the facility, the need is to build a “bigger and better” Children’s Library. Howard’s goal is to make it into a “magical” spot. Staff would also like to add additional room for teens, add study rooms, perhaps a meeting room, and make additional space for the library’s collection. 

Huberty will construct drawings for plans with a grant and those without.

“At the moment, we are only going to move forward with this if we get the grant,” Howard said. 

“With the grant, there is a chance we will get the building we want and need.”

If the library does not get a grant this year, they will still be on the docket in the future. The district’s goal is to do this in keeping the tax burden the same. If a grant is not a viable source of funds, the library will then look into how to move forward. 

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