
Tummy Time: The When, Where, Why, & How with Christie Clinic

We always hear tummy time is an important part of a baby’s growth and development, but many times it leaves us with a lot of questions on when, where, why, and how? Here are some tips and tricks to help your baby enjoy tummy time and get all the benefits that come with it! 

WHEN: ASAP. Many people wonder if it is ever too early to start tummy time. The answer is No! The truth is tummy time can start immediately when the baby comes home from the hospital and should start early. But it is also important to remember, it is NEVER too late to start. 

WHERE: On your chest, on the floor, on your lap, over a pillow. There are many places where tummy time can be enjoyed. Often it is easy to start chest to chest, lying down with the baby resting on your chest, this helps you bond with the baby and helps them build up strong muscles. 

WHY: Tummy time is important for many reasons! Building strong muscles and bones is just the start. Tummy time helps to develop new skills and is needed to help get them ready for future skills like crawling.  It can also help decrease the risk of flatness of the head and help with vision/sensory skills. 

HOW: How long should tummy time be performed? Build up tummy time by breaking it up throughout the day. The goal is to get 1 hour or more of tummy time per day. It should be performed when the baby is SUPERVISED AND AWAKE. Getting down at eye level with the baby using songs, voices, baby mirrors, and toys to help keep the baby entertained. In the beginning, the baby may not like tummy time at first, but don’t give up! Keep working with the baby as it may take some time but the benefits are worth it! 

Remember to ask your baby’s healthcare providers if you have any questions about tummy time or if your baby has special accommodations due to health concerns that you may need to consider to keep your baby safe during tummy time. 

Tummy time is important for many reasons, and working on tummy time with your baby can help the baby have a lifetime full of movement, fun, and happiness! 

By:  Rachel Zwilling, Physical Therapist, Christie Clinic Department of Physical Therapy 

To schedule an appointment with Rachel Zwilling:  https://www.christieclinic.com/providers/562/Rachel-Zwilling-PT-DPT/provider/

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