
Top 10 Things to do in Champaign County during February 2019

Maple Sugar Days at Homer Lake Interpretive Center
Maple syrup is the sweet treat that children and adults alike enjoy putting on their morning pancakes. But creating this natural sweetener is a process that not only takes days to cure, but also one that restores life to the maple trees throughout the late winter months.

The Champaign County’s Forest Preserves Home Lake Interpretative Center invites residents to their historic 200-year old maple tree grove during Maple Sugar Days on February 23 and March 2 for an educational opportunity to learn more about the history of harvesting maple sugar and an opportunity to participate in the process.

There are 25 spots per session (morning 10-11:30 a.m. or afternoon 12:30-2 p.m.) open for this event that costs $5 per person. To register for this event, visit ccfpd.org.

Take Your Child on a Date
Moms want to spend time with their sons and dads want to spend time with their daughters. It’s often hard to find time and opportunities for that one-on-one time, though. The Savoy Recreation Center and the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department provide one night in February when parents can connect with their child is an extraordinary way.

Mothers: Power up! Whether you and your little date dress up in formal wear or as your favorite superhero, you will be able to find your inner strength as you enjoy games, music and snacks. Don’t worry, you can bring your whole gang, but you will need to register for the event in-person at the Savoy Recreation Center. This event will be held on February 25 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Savoy Recreation Center. The cost for this event is $15 per couple for residents and $20 per couple as a non-resident. For more information, visit http://savoyrecreation.com.

Fathers: You love your daughters to the Moon and Back. Join the Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department in their third annual Daddy Daughter Dance “To the Moon and Back on February 23 from 6 to 8 p.m at the Lake of the Woods Pavilion. This event will include activities, dancing and a photo opportunity (for an additional fee) to remember this fun-filled night together. Space is limited. To register for this semi formal event, visit mahometrecreation.com by February 12. The cost for this event is $19.

Visit the Japan House in Urbana
Right in Champaign County’s own yard is a treat for all: the University of Illinois’ Japan House. On February 6 and 23, the Japan House will host their traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Chado, or the Way of Tea, is one of the most ancient and revered arts of Japan, and is at the very heart of Japan House. During the event, the host will carefully and thoughtfully prepares each piece of equipment so you can thoroughly enjoy a bowl of matcha tea and seasonal wagashi, a traditional Japanese sweet.

Guests will be required to remove their shoes, and are asked to have their legs covered as you will be kneeling or sitting on the tatami mats, unless a chair is needed. Space is limited to 20 guests for each event.

Take the Family Ice Skating (Inside Only)
It’s cold outside, and at the University of Illinois’ Ice Arena, it’s cold inside. Ice skating has been a long-standing winter activity, but for safety, we suggest you stay inside while doing it. The U of I makes this affordable for families on the first Wednesday of each month with $2 admission and $1 skate rentals.

The Ice Arena is also open for public skate on Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Dates are subject to change, so it is best to check the online calendar for more information.

Listen to Music
You can’t ask Alexa to create a live music performance for you. Luckily, there are several opportunities in Champaign County to experience a variety of live music during the month of February.

During Krannert Art Museum’s Chamber Music Series, Rudolf Haken (six-string electric viola), Bernhard Scully (horn), and Shubhang Goswami (beatboxer) will perform works composed by Haken and Joe Deninzon. Seating for this free event will begin at 1:30 p.m. for the 2 p.m. performance on February 23.

Enjoy an afternoon of classical Indian music and dance with University of Illinois’ talented Society for the Promotion Indian Classical Music and Culture Among Youth on February 24 at the Champaign Public Library from 2 to 3 p.m.

Visit the Polly Anderson Auditorium in Tolono, IL on February 16 at 4:30 or 7:30 p.m. for the 13th Annual A Capella Concert. The 2019 line-up includes No Comment, Xtension Chords and Rip Chords from the Univeristy of Illinois, On the Brink of Normal and Clef Hangers from Illinois State University, QB from Elmhurst College and Surreal Sound from Unity High School. Online ticket sales will close at noon on February 16, but will continue to be available at the door until the beginning of each performance.

As the Mahomet-Seymour Junior High and High School Jazz program comes off its competition season, the group comes together on February 23 from 6 to 9 p.m. to perform for the Mahomet-Seymour community during the annual Jazz Band Dinner Dance. Tickets will be available soon (we will update this post).  

Pamper a Goat
Being pregnant is hard-even if you are a goat.

On February 9, 10, 23 and 24 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Prairie Fruits Farm and Creamery invites the public to the farm to dote on the female goats who are in the middle of their 150-day gestation period. Each doe is starting to show signs of pregnancy as their bodies go into overdrive to develop the babies inside.

Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or a specialty coffee drink as you meet the moms of the babies that will be born this spring. The Prairie Fruits  staff will be grooming and feeding the goats, as well as answering any questions you may have as they measure and track the girth of the does scheduled first to go: Helena, Medusa, Periwinkle, Violet, and Zora.

Get Ready for Prom
Prom can often be a stressful and expensive time for parents and their high school aged children. On February 23, Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church will give prom goers a change to Say Yes to the (Prom) Dress.  From 9 a.m. to noon the group will take donations of gently used prom dresses, then the doors open to shoppers from 1 to 4 p.m. All proceeds from this benefit go to Courage Connection.

It’s Tournament Time!
It’s not quite March madness, but as the Mahomet-Seymour wrestling team, girls’ basketball and boys’ basketball gear up to make their IHSA tournament run.

Mahomet-Seymour Wrestlers will be at home on February 8 and 9 for Class 2A Individual Sectionals. State Finals will run at the University of Illinois Feb. 14-16.

Girls’ basketball will finish up their regular season at home against Taylorville on February 7 at 7:30 p.m. before heading to Taylorville for Regional Play February 11-15.

Then the boys’ basketball team will host Senior Night at home against Charleston on February 15 at 7:30 p.m. IHSA Regional play will run from Feb. 25 to March 1.

Celebrate Black History Month
Parkland College will provide ways for Champaign County residents to learn more about the African American Culture during the month of February.

On February 14, Parkland College will host their Black History Month Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Room U140. Guests can sample an array of foods from traditionally Southern African American cuisine. Luncheon tickets may be requested via email to nsanders@parkland.edu.

On February 27, the Parkland College Student Government will host a fashion show that provides a cultural exhibition of black fashion, pre- and post-Americanization from noon to 1 p.m. at the Student Union Cafeteria.

Throughout the month of February, Parkland also provide insight to the historical achievements and the political environment of African Americans with faculty lectures, and student presentations. A list of presentations can be found here.


Look, it’s winter. We are about to enter the busy and exciting spring and summer seasons. We encourage you to listen to your body throughout the following month, and if you need to just spend time resting and reflecting, that’s a very healthy thing to do. So, we’d just like to encourage you to do that!  

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