
Top 10 Things to do at the Champaign County Forest Preserve in Winter 2019

This list has been provided by the Champaign County Forest Preserve.

  • Join the Museum of the Grand Prairie for their FREE public programs such as it’s MLK Jr. Day & President’s Day programs, our Civil Rights in Champaign County Panel on Feb 10th, our Garden Speaker Series beginning on Feb 3rd, and many more!
  • Visit the Museum of the Grand Prairie during its new February schedule. The museum will be open Thursday-Sunday from 1- 5 p.m. in February. Spring hours begin March 1st where the museum will be open every day from 1-5 pm. Admission to the museum is always FREE! Donations are accepted.
  • Register the family for the upcoming Owl Prowl programs taking place Friday, February 1 at Lake of the Woods and Friday, February 8 at Homer Lake.  There will be an adult only Owl Prowl on Friday, February 20 at Homer Lake too. Great opportunity to learn about owls and hopefully see or hear them in the wild.
  • By popular demand, our exhibit, 1968: A Time for Every Purpose, is sticking around until the beginning of the summer. Visit it soon to learn about the flashpoint year our museum opened! Investigate sections that focus on environmentalism, the space race, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights activism, popular culture, and of course, our museum’s work in its 50 years of operation.
  • Enjoy the beautiful night sky at Middle Fork River Forest Preserve, Illinois’ first-ever International Dark Sky Park!
  • Learn about what goes into making maple syrup during Maple Sugar Days on Saturday, February 23 and March 2 at Homer Lake Forest Preserve.
  • Go cross-country skiing through the preserves or on the Kickapoo Rail Trail.
  • Go sledding at Homer Lake Forest Preserve.
  • Check out the Special Exhibit at Homer Lake Interpretive Center through March 1: Smokey Bear is 75! Stop by and enjoy a selection of historical posters featuring Smokey and his friends.
  • On Sunday, January 27 join Champaign Cycle for the Eskimo Pie Ride at Lake of the Woods Pavilion. Enjoy a mid-winter afternoon of bicycle riding, food and board games starting at 1 p.m. Find out what will be happening in the cycling community in 2019!

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