Mahomet-Seymour parents received a letter from Superintendent Lindsey Hall Friday morning stating that a staff member at Lincoln Trail Elementary has tested positive for COVID-19.
“We are coordinating our efforts with Champaign Urbana Public Health District to promptly identify and monitor individuals who have had recent contact with the COVID-19 positive staff member to prevent further spread within our school and community,” Hall wrote.
“We are following guidance from the CUPHD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as the state health department for best practices and procedures to protect everyone’s health moving forward.”
Hall wrote that to prevent further spread of the disease, Lincoln Trail Elementary is taking the following steps, in coordination with CUPHD:
• The classroom will be closed for 24 hours and thoroughly deep cleaned and sanitized. This situation is contained to one classroom and one office.
• Place other students and staff members who are identified as having prolonged close contact with the COVID-19 case(s) in quarantine for 14 days. Close contacts will also receive a separate notification from the CUPHD about the quarantine.
• Monitor students and staff for signs and symptoms of illness and evaluation of illness report to promptly identify possible outbreaks.
• Conduct a deep clean and disinfection of any other areas impacted by potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus, such as restrooms. This includes a building-wide treatment with our Clorox 360 machine.
“We will continue to enforce safe practices to prevent, promptly identify, communicate with CUPHD and respond to potential COVID cases,” Hall wrote.
Students and staff attending in-person school at the Mahomet-Seymour School District are required to wear a mask and wash hands regularly. The district does health screenings each morning and encourages students not to share personal items.