By FRED KRONER Mahomet, Ill. – A new state law doesn’t necessarily mean a new amount of tolerance in area communities. Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who was elected earlier this year, signed a bill on Tuesday that will legalize marijuana (up to one ounce per person for adults 21 and […]
Tag: Village of Mahomet
Village of Mahomet intends to purchase 5 parcels near downtown Mahomet
Mahomet, Ill. – The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees announced its intent to purchase property to the east of the Village of Mahomet Administration Building, after an executive session on June 18. The properties currently known as 511 E. Main St., 107 S. Jefferson St., 507 E. Main St., […]
Village Road Closures next week
Starting Tuesday, May 28th, Finch Drive will be closed between Hawk and Elk starting at 8:30 a.m. until mid-afternoon, weather permitting. Starting Wed. May 29th, the 200 block of Orchard Drive will be restricted to one lane through the weekend, weather permitting.
Peithmann questions high-density development at EDC meeting
EDITOR’S NOTE: The TIF District and Downtown Redevelopment plan were also discussed at the 4.23.2019 EDC meeting. That information is still to come for readers. Bill Peithmann, a member of the Village of Mahomet Economic Development Commission, voiced concern over the boom of multi-family housing being erected along the IL-150 […]
Letter to the Editor: Briar Cliff Annexation feels like collateral damage
I am a resident of Briar Cliff and right now I feel like collateral damage. Collateral damage is most often used in war for innocent civilians or building being caught in the line of fire. Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, expressed the philosophy that drove 19th century […]
Letter to the Editor: Tax rebate on annexed home
The Villge of Mahomet is trying annex the 49 homes in the quiet, older part of Briarcliff. I have lived in Briarcliff since 1993 with water from Sangamon Valley, road maintenance from the township, and police protection from the county. Mahomet is not offering me any upgrades in service, but […]
Commentary: Where You Live
BY DANI How do you know where you live? Is it by the way you tell your loved ones how to get to your home? Do you give them street names or landmarks? Do you know where you live by the return address you put on envelopes? Do your […]
The Interesting Numbers of the Consolidated Election
James Manrique runs the nonpartisan Champaign County Voter’s Alliance group, which works to inform voters and turn them out to vote. The group hosts a popular nonpartisan online voter guide that can be found at VoteChampaign.Org. Manrique records statistics for how his site is used. He says the biggest attraction […]
Election Results
Unofficial Election Results: Currently, these totals represent the precincts that have been counted this evening. Mail-in ballots will still come in to the Champaign County Clerk. We will update you as we know more. Mahomet-Seymour School Board (11 of 11 precincts)Lance Raver: 941 votesMeghan Hennesy: 1,053 votesColleen Schultz: 1,029 votesJason […]
Annexation discussion brings up concerns about direction of Village
Fred Sports, it has been said, are a microcosm of society. Following up on that analogy, consider how a person’s life correlates to a basketball season. The first phase in basketball is the off-season. That corresponds nicely to the early pre-school portion of an individual’s life. Next comes the […]