April showers sometimes bring May showers. But the forecast for May 4 signals a break in the clouds. The Champaign County Forest Preserve and the Museum of the Grand Prairie will take advantage of the forecased mid-70’s temperatures to celebrate May Day on May 4 from 1 to 4 p.m. […]
Tag: Museum of the Grand Prairie
Foster, Burgess and West paint picture of 1968, make connection to today
*photo from Museum of the Grand Prairie For some, the lessons of 1968 are ones learned through the study of history. For others, the knowledge comes from having lived through that time period. Three panelists — Izona Burgess, Stan West and Candy Foster — in the Museum of the Grand […]
Maple Sugar Days Feb. 23 and March 2
There’s nothing like sitting down to breakfast with a plate of pancakes and some maple syrup. But making that syrup begins with a process that was first documented in North America by French explorer André Thévet in 1557. Today extracting sugar from maple trees isn’t something people think about; it’s […]
Civil Rights Panel to talk about Champaign County during 1968
Candy Foster is known throughout East Central Illinois for his velvet voice, contagious smile and his ability to get people out of their seats and onto the dance floor. But what many of his followers may not know is that he played a local role in the civil rights movement […]
Champaign County Forest Preserve wants you to know more about owls
The Champaign County Forest Preserve wants you to know more about local owl species. A few spots are still open for the February 1 “Owl Prowl” from 6 to 7:30 at the Museum of the Grand Prairie. During the event, Jennifer Wick will introduce guests to local species, such as […]
Museum of the Grand Prairie hosts free MLK Day Event
The Museum of the Grand Prairie will celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King on January 21 with crafts, a scavenger hunt, books and a video.
Hall to talk about material world artifacts Sunday
BY DANI TIETZ dani@mahometnews.com Mahomet, Ill. – The Archaeology Lecture Series, which started in early April, will come to an end this Sunday when archaeologist and museum educator Valerie Hall presents “A Material World: Artifacts, Their Stories, and the People They Represent.” The fourth lecture in the series will run […]